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AKA The Swol Poll! 

Next month I'll be switching things up and presenting a themed month: Fit February! All through February, I'll be drawing workout-themed, pin-up style illustrations of buff ladies. So this month's poll features a number of our favorites as well as some new ones I've been itching to draw for a while.

Sorry if the number of options is a bit overwhelming, but there were quite a few ladies that came to mind and I figured this poll would also be a good way to gauge general interest. Whichever ones don’t win, I’ll keep the more popular options in mind for future months.

Since pinups don't take me as long to do as narrative works, I'm going to try to do 3 instead of the usual 2. You can vote for more than one option, so vote for your favorites and I'll draw the top 3 winners in order of popularity.


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