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And voilà! The final version. I had a lot of fun experimenting with the coloring style of this one to try and find a happy middle between my usual style and the LoK style. Hope you guys like the result!

In the end I preferred keeping all the pictures separate instead of in comic form, but I still included the comic version in case anyone wants it that way.



Linda Lohmaier

This is amazing. I really like the shading, the background, and Korra's muscles. Hot Hot Hot. Two thumbs way up.


Came out beautifully, really hit that goal of blending your style and LoK's perfectly. You managed to keep Korra's muscle definition intact too, well done my dude 😄. Really appreciate you separating the panels as well. Amazing stuff 👍

Arnfríður Ingvarsdóttir

I adore Korra and Asami, and you are doing them justice. Perhaps the only thing I could point out that could use a little bit of work would be Asami's hand. Other than that thank you for drawing these two. My favourite couple. :D