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And here's the full thing, hope you like it!

The comic was supposed to be one page, but since it's a bit long I also included a version split up into four pages for those of you who might prefer to read it that way.

Kihrae is my OC while Catalyna is a friend’s OC. Since Cat belongs to a friend, I won’t be making any hi-res and line art versions of this comic available.

I started working on this idea because I really wanted to draw something to celebrate the release of FFXIV’s patch 6.2. But there was also a secondary motive: I hope to someday make a full, story-driven webcomic starring Kihrae, and so I thought this would make a good first test to find an art style that would let me do something in full color quickly. I really don’t have the time at the moment to do a full comic, but I hope that one day, thanks to the support you guys are giving me, I’ll be able to start putting one together. For now, though, you can expect to see more of these tests and silly ideas in the future.
