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We're in the last days of Spring and Summer's right around the corner! Thank you for all of your support this month, all, and welcome to all the new folks! Here's a quick recap of the art in April:

This is your reminder that March's 18+ art and HD files will be moved to Gumroad tomorrow! Be sure to download everything before they're gone!

UPDATE: DONE! You can now get the files here.

May Art

After many near-misses in the monthly 18+ poll, Miss Fortune will finally get her due (and then some) thanks to your votes! I've had a fun idea planned for this one for a while now, so I can't wait to get to it.

As for last month's SFW poll, you guys made it loud and clear you wanted to see Korra kicking some ass, and I intend to deliver! There's just one little hitch: While writing the script I may have gotten a little carried away and wound up with something that's 8 pages long. Woops. This means this comic will run for several months. I'll try to update it every month with at least one page, starting with page 1 this month. Hopefully I can squeeze in two, but we'll have to see.

Continuing on this month, we'll of course get Page 3 of Part 2 of Korra Sandwich.

And with Spring winding down, I'm overdue for finishing up my Seasons in Republic City series. So, I'll be doing the Spring piece this month and I'm planning to make it a 2 page comic. Expect to see that towards the end of the month!

May Polls (for June art)

With the weather getting warmer, my thoughts are already turning to swimsuit season. So in June, I'd like to draw some summer themed stuff for both SFW and 18+ art featuring our favorite pairings of Korrasami and/or Caitvi. I'll be keeping things simple and letting you guys pick which couple you'd like to see for each. Whichever couple doesn't win will be brought back for July's polls, to make sure all our favorite ladies get their time in the sun.

That's it for now! Thanks so much for all your support and have a great month!



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