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“It'll just take a second, come here.” Austin casually motioned with a hand, not even looking at his brother, instead leaning his head back to peer towards the top of his block tower. “I know how we're gonna do this.”

“Yeah, I bet you do.” His tone demanded that the younger fox roll his eyes again, twitching his nose and whiskers at the familiar scent of his brother's wet diaper. Unable to stop himself, he pushed a forearm harmlessly against Austin's back to make the bigger fox wobble forward. “When did you get so many blocks anyway?”

“I pulled some of yours out of the closet.” The answer came with a grin, and a playful headlock that quickly saw Owen losing his hat, which was sent flying brim over buckle across the living room. “Which you oughta say thank you for, your blocks get to be part of this!”

“Austin, you ass, let—GO!” Owen barked as he extricated himself from under his brother's arm, his hair mussed and a grumpy look on his face. It was clear from his expression that he was considering retaliation, but ultimately, the more pragmatic fox remained true to his reputation, not wanting to risk either a leaky diaper or a tumbling tower. He straightened himself out, looking up near the top of the stack of blocks. “... Yeah, real feat of architecture here.”

“You just said it was cool, dummy.” Lifting his hands, the big brother made a motion as if he was going to reapply the headlock, causing Owen to flinch and reflexively slap his hands away.

Dude, STOP!

“Okay, okay.” No doubt he could tell that he was pushing his luck with Owen's cooperation, so he took the hint and relented, still with a stupid grin on his face. He motioned to the top. “So I can't reach it on my own, so you're gonna pick me up on your shoulders and--”

“Wait, wait, go back.” The younger fox raised his hands. “I am not picking you up man, you're way heavier than I am.”

“Ugh.” Austin rolled his eyes as well, a gesture that must run in the family. “You weren’t doing this whole thing by yourself, you don’t know how they go.”

“Dude, how hard could it be, they’re friggin blocks.” Owen made a square with his hands and gestured putting it on top of the stack. “You just put them on top of each other.”

“If it was that easy, how come you’ve never done it before?” The older fox crossed his arms over his chest, the picture of defiance, unchanged diaper and all.

“Man...” Owen, finding himself unable to argue with that, screwed up his muzzle in thought. He looked at his brother, then at the top of the tower again, seeming unsure of the logistics. It took some deliberation, but ultimately, he knew that going along with Austin’s antics was the quickest way to getting his diaper changed and preventing another load of laundry.

With a sigh, he crouched down just slightly.

“Okay, let's just do it.”

“Cool, now ju- could you-” Austin leaned down for a second, knees bent, wet diaper straining between his thighs, then started to scramble up onto his brother’s shoulders. Kicking his feet, trying to find purchase on his Owen’s torso, the older fox started clumsily trying to scramble up onto his shoulders. “Dude, be still, I’ve almost got it!”

“That's my eye, y- UGH!”


“Okay! Okay, be still, lemme get my feet straight.” Slowly, carefully, Owen stood all the way up with his heavier brother sitting on his shoulders. He wrapped his arms around Austin’s shins to keep him stable, and tried not to think about the weight of his brother’s heavy diaper on his shoulders.

“All good down there?” Austin asked, pinwheeling his arms a bit for balance before grabbing Owen’s ears, as if to steer him.

“Yup.” Owen drummed his fingers on his brother’s calves. “Okay, I’m gonna hand you the blocks now, one at a time.”

The two foxes cooperated, working together to complete construction of Austin's tower. While the younger brother kept as still as he could, passing blocks up the chain of command, Austin painstakingly put them on top of the tower, the perfect height to touch the living room ceiling.

“Okay, that's all of em. Take like three steps back so we can see the whole thing.”

“Roger.” Careful not to fall on his soaked butt, and no doubt wind up with a diaper in his face, Owen took three slow steps backward until the masterpiece came into full view.

“Man. This is definitely the biggest we ever got it.” Austin seemed contemplative, almost touched by the moment, scratching his jawline, then tapping his brother on the top of his head. “Good job, bro.”



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