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“What’s up?” When Austin looked over his shoulder to see his brother pulling his multi-colored changing mat out from under the couch, holding a fresh diaper in his hand, the older fox rolled his eyes, getting back to reinforcing the foundation of his block tower. “In a sec, man. I’m almost on the last block.”

“Dude, you’re gonna leak if you pee again, and I’m pretty sure the Walkers don’t offer friggin flood insurance for wet diapers.” Much like his brother, Owen rolled his eyes as he set up the traditional changing area, comprised of baby wipes, powder, and a new diaper for the older fox. He watched Austin straighten up, all the way on his tiptoes, to start building higher again. “Come on, it’ll only take a few minutes.” 

“Lemme finish my tower.” Austin was unmoved, bracing himself with his free hand carefully against the huge stack of blocks, and reaching way up with his other hand to try and get the last couple of blocks on the top. He was having trouble reaching, and his voice reflected his strain. “I’ve never got it this high before, it’s almost touchin’ the ceiling.”

“It’s pretty cool.” Owen admitted, admiring his brother’s workmanship, sitting back down on the edge of the couch and scratching one of his ears. “But I’m not coverin’ for you if your diaper leaks, man. Dad’s gonna have a fit.”

“Rrgh…!” A grunt of effort interrupted Owen’s words. Austin very rarely worried about a potentially leaky diaper, especially at home, and it was clear that this was no exception. He was, however, bright enough to leverage his younger brother’s concerns. “If you’re so worried about it, come help me get these last two on top.”

“Ughhhh…” Owen groaned, but he was already getting to his feet, equal parts annoyed at his brother’s stubbornness, and eager to be involved in the feat of architecture. “Okay, let’s make it quick.”




How old are these two characters? Is there a specific reason Austin is in diapers or is he just a late bloomer?


Can we get some yellow in the diaper. Aside from the droop, Austin's looking dry in this set. The original fox brothers diaper was spot on. Looking forward to the rest of this story.