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“… Yeah, I figured as much. How abooooout you change his diaper for me? I’m late for a work call.”

His dad’s voice sounded a little pensive, almost exploratory, and it was accompanied by the sizzle of meatballs on the stove as the overworked fox tried to wrangle dinner between work obligations and his oldest son’s need for a fresh diaper.

“Uh.” Owen looked away from his game once more to eyeball his big brother playing with his blocks, and more specifically, the absolutely soaked diaper straining downward between his legs. He was wet all the way up the back, but like always, blithely unaware (or unconcerned) with the state of his pants. “What’s in it for me?” 

“You need a reward to help out your old man?”

“Dude, he’s soaked, I’m gonna need a friggin lifejacket t--!”

“Alright, alright.” Dad conceded just about the time that smoke was starting to create a thin haze from the kitchen. Only takes a few seconds to burn up an entire pan of Carl’s Famous Meatballs. “How about if you change him, we’ll nix the spaghetti and order wings?”


Appealing to his boys’ stomachs had always been more effective than appealing to their hearts. The older fox grinned to himself, though; the meatballs were ruined either way, at least it saved him the hassle of telling a new client that he was late because his son needed a diaper change.


“Alright, thanks buddy. I should be done in about an hour and a half.” Followed by the thump of an entire tray of meatballs being dropped in the trash, and then the hustle of loafer-clad feet hustling up the stairs to the office. 

“Bet he burned them again anyway.” Owen mumbled to himself with a little grin on his face, the tip of his bushy tail twitching between his legs like a smug snake. It took him a couple of minutes to finish his round, then he stretched his arms, arched his back, and sat up on the couch. “Hey Aus, can you come here for a minute?”


Thank you guys for being patient, June was unusually busy for Tank and I. 

We have more of these fellas on the way as well as a peek into what Todd's dad has been up to, a nap for a prince, and maybe some more of Jack's view from the playpen. 

Enjoy your weekend, folks! 




Oooooo nice nice


More of these two!