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The big shepherd’s heart went into overdrive right away, and he laid his tall ears down flat on top of his head; it made him look like the world’s most anxious mole, something his wife never failed to be amused by. 

She was amused this time too. Through his panic, he heard her giggle from the side of the bed, and when she stood up, he found himself almost stepping back out of self-defense. She was wearing lingerie, the same he had bought her for Valentine’s Day the previous year, and they fit the curve of her hips and the shape of her legs in a way that made him weak in the knees.

Let’s get you in a new diaper.

The flirtatious tone in her voice was undeniable, and seeing her coming towards him like that, with a diaper on the bed behind her, was almost enough for the daddy dog to short circuit and explode. Despite his earlier release, and the Riverdance tempo of his heart, there was stirring under his pajama bottoms again. Every drop of blood in his body was dividing up between two places; his cheeks, and between his legs.

“H-How did y-“ He stammered dumbly as she came up to stand in front of him, that knowing look on her face, and her teeth biting coyly into her lower lip. The weight of recognition hit him all at once, and he was suddenly, painfully aware of how dumb he had been thinking he was fooling his wife with a souvenir drum case under the bedframe. What she said next no longer came as a surprise.

“I’ve known for a long time, Mr. Thin Lizard. Ever since you insisted on moving that drum case into the bedroom.” She chuckled. There was a playful note in her voice, one that made him feel like his legs might collapse under him. Especially when she took him by the hand and placed it on her hip; he felt the motion of her body, the silk of her pajamas sliding smoothly over the fur and flesh underneath, and his face felt all the hotter. “I figured out that you just needed your playtime, like all boys do. But you never needed to hide it from me.” 

“I thought you’d—” He tried again, and his mouth felt dry. Like he hadn’t had a drink in a week. She put her warm hand over his, curling it in his knuckles, and leaned up to touch her nose under his chin. Then she gave him a kiss, and he exhaled a huge, shuddery sigh, buffeting her whiskers. “I thought you’d… think it was too weird.” 

“That I’d leave you? Take Todd, and go crying back to my mother’s house?” She spear-headed his fears without even aiming, and from the way his expression stiffened, she could tell that’s exactly what had been on his mind. She laughed, reaching up with her free hand to caress his cheek, then tilt his muzzle down to kiss him on the mouth. “Don’t you ever worry about that. You’re still my big, handsome man.” 

“Even if you need to be a baby sometimes.” 

That was all she needed to say. He was hooked. With hearts in his eyes and his feet floating three inches off the floor, the big shepherd let his wife lead him back to the bed with a finger in the collar of his shirt. He came to a stop by the edge of the mattress, and she turned to slip her arms around his waist in a hug, which the larger dog gladly reciprocated. 

“Are you a big enough boy to undress yourself, or does mommy need to help?” The lilting note in her voice made his spine tingle, and he made a show of looking unsure, putting the tip of his thumb to his mouth, and giving his wife the best big, brown eyes he could manage. “I thought so. Seems like some boys get so much littler when it’s time for bed.” 

She was still smiling sweetly at him, almost laughing, as she nibbled on the scruff of the bigger dog’s chin, shifting her hands from a hug to a grip his pajama bottoms so she could ease them down and off of his hips. He stood mostly still, nervous, shifting his weight back and forth on either foot. The fact that he was half-hard again was not lost on the smaller shepherd, and she brushed her hands along just the edge of his growing erection, making him shiver and curl his toes.




I think my favorite part of the art are those big, beautiful puppy dog eyes he uses on her. And really happy to see her calm all his fears and that anxiety leave him. I'm curious though that the bottle Todd's dad left behind back during his run for safety hasn't been brought back up yet. Did she grab it or is there still some chance Todd will find it instead?


Ahhhhh!! I’m loving this comic so much! 💙💙💙


He's such an adorable goofball. Such a cute page :)


Yep! As far as we know, Todd has no clue about his dad's big baby secret. I guess, he could be pretending like mom but doesn't seem likely so I'm wondering if he finds that bottle and puts it together.


And of course Valentines day is just 2 weeks away. Seems like mommy is gonna be babysitting cupid? ;3


I love this comic so much. ❤️


Mothers always know everything 😌👌🏻