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There was a fresh diaper on the bed, unfolded and ready to sink his butt into, as well as a bottle of baby powder, both resting unassumingly on the material of his baby blue changing mat. His heart was immediately threatening to beat out of his chest once more, and he felt blind-sided.

No plan survives first contact with a diaper on the bed.


He started again, but another voice cut him off.

“Are you nice and clean now? Come lay down, handsome. Let's get you in a new diaper.”




And that is how you end a year. Amazing job from both of you!


Oh my hecking heck I looooooove it! 💙💙💙💙


Oh you can't do this to me, you can't push my buttons like this and leave me to wait for the next page 😳


So glad you left this as a cliffhanger


He is SO lucky! Great cliffhanger and amazing New Years gift, guys. We got 19 strips for this series in 2021 and they were all incredible! Looking forward to what 2022 brings for this family, especially my favorite dad.


Aww! The lucky devil :) great stuff!


Aaaaaa that cliffhanger! ❤️