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The shepherd grunted and winced, gritting his teeth at the pressure in his stomach. His body almost seemed to move on its own once the decision was made; like an oversized toddler who didn’t quite make it to the bathroom, he bent his knees and lowered his hips a bit, pushing his big, diapered bottom out and lifting his tail.

Uh oh. Not even Todd has those kind of accidents anymore.

It barely required a push for the shepherd to unload in his diaper. Warmth spread across the seat as the big dog filled his pants like a puppy, the toilet, the grown-up option, in clear view the entire time. He grunted again, his cheeks alight with embarrassment, and his diaper growing heavier by the second. It wasn’t long before he could feel his waistband starting to strain downward, his seat expanding, the plastic crinkling subtly and elastic stretching to contain the weight of the daddy dog’s “accident”. 

He straightened back up, his ears immediately getting hot again at the feeling of the full feeling in his stomach transferred completely to the back of his dirty diaper. The heaviness under his tail made him suck in a breath, still hard as a rock, and look himself over in the mirror. His diaper looked full and swollen in the back, the tell-tale sight of a puppy that needs to be changed, and he gingerly cupped and hefted his seat, imagining his wife’s hand there instead.

Looks like somebody needs a diaper change.

He shivered. His imagination, the heavy diaper between his legs, and the implications of what he had just done had his dick aching all over again. Reaching down between his legs to give it a squeeze made him shudder, already dangerously close to release once more. 

He had to take care of that; he needed a clear head, and clean britches before the big talk with his wife. He could still smooth everything over again, as long as he played his cards right.



Glyn Wolf

However this resolves with his wife will be delightful, I'm sure, although there's a part of my that's convinced he's *never* been able to fool her about anything for long. ;)


Really adorable! I Gotta ask though, do you take commissions?


someone has decided to be a baby all the way! 😌 it would be a shame, if now a little unexpected happens!


Aww he looks so cute like that


"As long as he played his cards right" imagine he opens the door and there she is.

Razz Dazzle

It's so hard to make this magic happen when you work, but it's so satisfying to really fill your pants.


Seems like Dad is full on regressing! I can only imagine the look on his face when Mom opens the door to find a squirmy puppy in a very full diaper.


however.. the baby bottle remained on the sofa .. 😌


Gosh this is getting good!


I am loving this comic more and more with every page. ❤️