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“So with Bomber gone, I was talking with coach about moving me up in the line-up.” Like usual, Todd had a lot to say after practice, and being able to listen and engage with his enthusiastic son helped to take the edge off of the older shepherd’s nerves. “He was all ‘consistency is important, blah blah blah’, though, so I dunno if he’s going to.” 

“Think you oughta be batting clean-up?” Todd’s dad had to grin over his beer before he took a drink, loosening up a little, and trying not to pay any mind to the soft crinkling that accompanied every motion, or the weight of the bulk between his legs, or… He coughed to clear his throat. “Ahuh. Your strike-outs are down this year, since you stopped trying to swing for the fences every time you’re up to bat.”

“Ugh. It’s not like I ever struck out that much anyway. I still got the second-best average on the team.” Todd rolled his eyes, amusing his dad. He couldn’t help but tease his son a little; a time-honored tradition for dads of cocky boys. “Gonna be the best by the end of the season too.” 

“I’ll make sure to let Spencer’s mom know you’re coming for him next time she calls.” His mom chimed in, leaning over to give the younger shepherd a kiss on the cheek as she stood up and gathered a couple of dishes. “Speaking of clean-up, how about you help me clear off the table while your dad finishes eating?” 

“Dad never has to clean the table…” Todd sulked, but only for a couple of seconds before he finished off the last of his pizza and stacked his dishes together, getting up to hustle them into the kitchen. 

“Perks of being an old man, kid.” He made a point of leaning back and relaxing in his chair, crossing his arms behind his head, then immediately regretting it when it made his shirt pull up enough to reveal the soft, white waistband of the diaper hidden under his pants. He quickly brought his arms back down, but fortunately, Todd didn’t seem to notice anything out of order as he passed by.

“Your dad’s got enough on his mind without trying to figure out a dishwasher.” He heard his wife ribbing him from the kitchen and chuckled, half in amusement, and half in relief. Not for the first time, he was starting to see the light at the end of this tunnel, and he was thinking he might get away with it, after all. 

He half-way listened to the muffled chatter between his wife and son, finishing off the rest of his beer before getting to his feet and arching his back. The dishwasher kicked on behind him, and suddenly Todd shot past him like a bullet from the kitchen, on his way upstairs to get out of his practice uniform and shower off the dirt from an eventful practice.

“Remember to try and use the potty, Todd!” He called after his son, prompting another groan and an insistent affirmative that he would do just that, before he turned to head towards the bedroom. “I’ll be up to help you with your PJs when you’re done!” 

Feeling pretty good about himself, the older shepherd made his way back to his bedroom and started to strip out of his shirt for the second time that evening. His wife was still in the kitchen, he could shower off, dispose of his wet diaper, sneak it out to the outside trash under cover of darkness, and pretend this close call had never happened. 

It was around the time that he had his shirt over his face that he felt hands on his hips, right above the rim of his diaper. That was all it took to make his stomach turn completely to ice. He tightened up, holding his breath, clenching his jaw and waiting on laughter that never came.

“I’ll take care of Todd.” His wife spoke close enough to the back of his neck that he could feel her breath on his fur, moving her hands up his side to his chest and touching her muzzle to his shoulder. Electricity charged his entire body, and he slowly brought his arms back down, just enough to uncover his eyes; his face was hot, his fur was bristled up wildly, and his tail was stiff behind him. One of her hands moved back down to his hip, behind him, and cupped the seat of his pants, giving his diapered rump a squeeze.

“You get yourself cleaned up, handsome.” 

“B-Babe, I-“ He stammered, ears laid back, but she had already left the room by the time he dared look.




Well this is about to take an interesting turn!


Heha, someones busted. : P


"And that's how the household diaper budget went up"


So she DID Know after all! Oh this is gonna be great!


Well, there we are! She got him! Todd’s dad should be grateful she waited until it was private before doing that. I’m sure there will be a talk and probably some fun after, but curious where this goes past that.


Oh, she knows. She definitely knows.


That went better than I thought it would. I really hope the night ends with her diapering him up again lol.


It went exactly as I had thought. Sorta foreshadowed by their last post too. He might have thought he was being slick, but the wife knew from the start.


wow wow wow !!! here the situation becomes interesting! moms always know everything .. no matter how big the baby is!


This is incredibly cute!! Love the ears in that last panel hehehe.




when you think you were safe....