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What else could he do?

The noise of his diaper felt so loud under his pants as he walked along a safe distance behind his wife, and he did his best to mask the sound by walking as loud as his bare feet could manage. It was clear as day that he was doing a bad job of hiding something, but he hoped that his wife was too preoccupied with dinner to worry too much about why he was walking funny.




Hahaha at the look on his face in the first panel. She’s gotta know. His waist looks massive at the front, and it’s nothing compared to the back. And it seems like every step towards the kitchen is going to be an eternity for him. Poor baby indeed. ;)


I love his face in the top right panel. Great work as always!


Wonder when she's going to put the poor baby out of his misery and change his diaper


Her face in that first panel. Yeah, she totally knows lol.