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In what felt like the most agonizing minute since Ms. Finklebottom’s class nearly thirty years ago, tension prevailed between the married shepherds. Todd’s dad stood, smiling like an idiot, with his arm on the doorframe, his fur on end, and his heart hammering in his chest loud enough that he could swear his wife heard every beat. He had never been more conscious of the weight between his legs, his diaper pulled snug against him by the fit of his slacks.

“Oh, practice went well. There’s a lot of talk about that tournament next week.” She kept her tone conversational enough, but it was obvious from the faintly amused look in her eye that she wasn’t buying what he was selling. There was no doubt in her mind that something was up, though she seemed content to let things play out naturally; the patience of a wife and mom living with two rowdy boys. “What have you been doing in here? You’re still in your work clothes.”

“Yeah, I… oh- yeah. I got tangled up watching the end of the game. I guess it ran a little long.” He fidgeted with the fit of his shirt collar, tugging at it, reaching behind himself to “discreetly” pull up the seat of his pants, a motion that he immediately regretted when it made his diaper crinkle like the freshest bag of potato chips. He managed to keep his voice steady, spinning a story as he went along. “I was on my way to the shower when you guys showed up.”

For the longest moment, she looked like she didn't believe him, and Todd's dad felt his heart starting to beat harder and harder by the second. Finally, though, her expression softened, and she ran her fingers down the front of his dress shirt, circling the buttons.

“And then you stubbed your toe. Poor baby.” She took on an exaggerated pout, then smiled in a way that had his ears turning red. He didn’t dare move out of the doorframe, even as she took a step closer to him. Casually, she took him by both ends of his undone tie and pulled him down enough to plant a kiss on his jawline, then whisper sweetly, close to his ears. “Maybe if we had a little more privacy, I’d join you.”

“H-Heh. Yeah?” It was almost enough to make him forget his current predicament, his ears lifting up and a half-smile tugging on his face. He went in for a kiss as well, more directly, meeting muzzles with his wife and halfway closing his eyes. “Been a long time since we did th-“


“So much for romance.” He grinned sheepishly, tugging at his collar again before straightening up. She ran a hand down his chest, his stomach, and for one hair-raising moment, her hand lingered close to his waist. It was almost enough to stop his heart, but her fingers trailed away before they found the big, baby secret stuffed under his slacks.

“Come on, handsome. Don’t want dinner getting cold.” She turned to walk down the hallway, showing him a tantalizing grin over her shoulder and curling her finger to insist that he follow along.




Hot damn, that is some suspenseful writing!


This poor man is gonna die from nervousness with how much his wife is teasing him. XD


Brah his wife knows she is play with this man. Also i never walked out to take my break so quick in my life


He's not in the clear yet.


Yeah, I think if she didn’t know before, she does now. That “baby” and teasing that she was nearly touching his waist were pretty telling. Plus, she didn’t even mention how thick his waist looks. And that thick diaper booty! It’s still great even with pants hiding it! But that crinkle will be impossible to hide for him.


Mom is suspicious now, no turning back!


She totally knows. She'll probably make a comment at some point during dinner about having 2 boys that need a change lol. Can't wait for the next part. <3