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Inside the house, a daddy dog with a very wet diaper between his legs snapped his eyes open, and realized just what kind of trouble he was about to be in.





Lol, I was wondering how you would write this pic out. That face is incredible! The mix of horror, drowsy confusion and panic is great. We go from a happy, peaceful face while asleep straight to this one. It probably mirrors his own mind with how sudden it feels. He's having a fun few hours and now everything is about to suddenly change. Another killer cliffhanger but the next one should finally be the big moment. This part makes it worth the wait though. That BREEP! BREEP! hits harder since we know Todd is already out the car and running to the door. His dad only has seconds left before he's caught in just a soggy diaper with a bottle leaking beer. There is no way he's going to lie his way out of this one.


Heha, nice. Someone about to get exposed. I wonder what his excuse will be. : P


"In a very wet diaper" Strange, it looks clean to me! :P


I'm hoping he gets caught. anyone hoping he makes clean getaway?




I still think the best way for his inevitable humiliation would be for Todd to have to change his soggy diaper or at the very least watch his mom change his newfound "baby brother's" diaper


I think someone is going to pay for his unscheduled nap, in a very, very humiliating way😏


I thought "shit" was one of the tags at first xD. It fits the mood lol