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It was his thoughts that eventually did him in. Despite his efforts to clear his mind and let the physical sensation of his wet diaper against the couch pillow be what pushed him over the edge, the shepherd just couldn't stop his imagination from assuming control and taking him the rest of the way. 

Come on baby, now that you've had your bottle, it's time to change your diaper.

The tantalizing, regrettably imaginary voice of his wife seducing him, adding diapers to their more standard foreplay, had Todd's dad curling his toes and leaning down over the cushion as he drove his diapered shaft into it once more. That one did it, and there was absolutely nothing he could to stop it from coming.

“Shiii-iit...” He growled through clenched teeth, arching his back hard and feeling warmth spread from his balls to his diaper once more as he unloaded. Pressing his hips down and forward, he gasped and squeezed his pillow tight, flooding his bloated, heavy diaper with another kind of wetness; one that wouldn't be so quickly absorbed. 

Waves of pleasure kept coming, and like a cowboy on a bull, the best he could do was hold on tight and ride it out. It was bliss, and all it took was a beer, a thick diaper, and a pillow wedged firmly between his legs. When his climax passed, the daddy dog groaned and ended up laying out flat on his belly on the couch, hugging the big pillow against his chest like a teddy bear and panting hard. 

“I'm gonna tell her eventually...” Todd's dad told himself, not for the first time, as he basked in afterglow. It didn't have to be a big deal. Just a casual conversation in bed, about wanting to wear diapers. He grinned to himself. Maybe she'd even think it was cute.

“... Maybe after Todd's out of 'em.”

He didn't realize what a mistake he was making when he decided to just rest his eyes for a moment. Post-orgasm relaxation still had him feeling warm and fuzzy, and he told himself that he could just close his eyes for a couple of minutes, then get cleaned up and dispose of the evidence before anyone was the wiser. 

After all, it was supposed to be the perfect crime.

A beer and a wet diaper after a long day of work, though, hit the big dog a little harder than he anticipated. It wasn't long before warmth and fuzziness led to sleepiness, and when his eyes slipped closed, it was much longer than a couple of minutes before they would open again. 

Todd's dad snored quietly, a familiar sound to the household, though this time accompanied by the crinkle of a wet diaper between his legs.




Very cute :) I'm sure it won't be the first time post-nut drowsiness has gotten someone in trouble.


Art is perfect as usual. I love that happy smile in the last panel against the panels of him rutting with his favorite pillow. As for the story, I love that he just ends up falling asleep, right there in the living room, on the couch, still in his diaper soaked in pee and cum. He's made this super easy for whoever walks inside. Time for Todd's dad to face the music! Finally, "what a mistake he was making and him hoping she thinks it's cute? I wonder if she's going to be mean about this or at least much more dominant than he's expecting. Is he going to be humiliated by whoever catches him? I mean, it seems that way to me but we'll see. I hope it is. I mean, what happens to criminals who don't pull off their perfect crime and gets caught? Punishment. :) This is a killer cliffhanger! I know it's greedy but fingers crossed the next one is quick. Sorry for the long review!


Big dog about to get busted!!


Can't wait to see moms face when she discovers she now has two baby boys!


Like Father Like Son


Oh no ;)


Omg the depiction is perfect


Oh this is gonna be good. <3


Todd's dad is so cutie! I need to see her using a pacifier X3