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Howdy folks. :)

Due to a lack of content for a variety of reasons lately, we're going to be refunding the March payments and suspending billing until we're back up to full tilt with the rate of pages that we're producing. Time has just gotten away from us a little bit, and it was definitely never our intention to take advantage of your guys' kindness, and shirk our responsibilities as creators these past couple of months.

We're gonna right the wagon and be back soon hopefully, but in the meantime, we don't feel comfortable taking payment from you guys when we can't produce up to our usual standards. Feel free to stay subscribed in the meantime, I'll still host streams, and we'll still do some fun things from time to time.

I wish I had better news this time, but thank you guys so much for sticking with us. We know it's been a rough couple of months, but summer is just around the corner.




Hurry back and take care!


Priorities first, we get it. You do you. Take your time.


Its all good at least your keeping us updated


Thanks for the update!


Thanks for all the awesome content so far. Take care.


Thank you for your concern for our funds. I hope you are doing well.

Ethan Gray

I appreciate this! Seriously, focus on yourself and your own mental health before trying to stretch yourself thin!


I understand being overwhelmed with life. I know I'm just some person but still, good luck to you guys with getting stuff sorted.


I'll be here when you return


That decision honors you very much. For my part, I will continue here, I look forward to seeing how the story continues. Thank you very much for everything guys!


Will definitely be chilling and hanging around until, your returns. Love you guys, and take your time on your return. 🧡


Still here for you guys, hope life returns to a smooth sailing for you soon!


*Hugs* Hope life rights itself soon. Still hanging around and happy to support you guys.