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uh oh daddy has a mess to clean up


Dodged a bullet there lol


Oh man! How old was he in this leaking incident? Is that like gradeschool girlfriend or like teenage girlfriend?


Please tell me the grandparents have photos of his embarrassing moments for Jackson to laugh at, that would be so funny, and dad definitely has a mess to clean up, I wonder if another bath is in his future, or some messy feeding since it looks like he would prefer to play with his food then eat it.


Heha, nice. Face plant into food isn't gonna help though.


Jack looks rather disappointed. Well that and bored. Though something tells me Grandma is not as easily distracted. Or at least my want to take her grandbaby off her son's paws long enough to maybe get out the old photo album. Hehe. Least here's hoping.


Colt3n your art has really improved since Boys Night In! Just like people have been saying, those expressions--wow. It was good before but man this project has done you good! Thank you for all this cuteness


Now that someone gets messy he gonna need a bath so grandma gonna see and change someone pampers rsrs


Dont you just hate it when you cant escape the adults chatter at the table.


Yes! More humiliation for Frank please!


I'm kind of ready for this comic to move past the high chair scene, tbh. A diaper change would be good.


If it turns out Frank leaked on Jack's mom, I might die xD