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Seasons are a changin', folks and spring is right around the corner. As the vernal equinox ascends over Barkdale, we'll finally have green grass, the fresh scent of mud, and a sky that isn't perpetually gray. But the weather's not the only thing changing around here (and no we don't mean that), we're also doing some blossoming ourselves. 

As you've probably already read in the last update, we decided to change from a per-upload-based model to a monthly one here at GBC. We've also changed up our reward tiers to better comply with Patreon's terms of service. If you haven't already, be sure to check out our page rework here: patreon.com/posts/rework-update-25141595 

Our goal is to streamline our content to better fit not only Patreon, but our own lives and schedules as well. Rather than cramming in a chapter before the buzzer at the end of every month, we want to bring you guys more stuff at a consistent pace. Every week we're going to release a new page in Jack's comic as opposed to the one or two a month we were posting before. Our favorite cigar-puffing skunk will also be sharing his story periodically throughout the month. We decided to simplify the chapter layouts in order to put out comic pages at a faster clip. We hope this trade-off will benefit you guys as well and give you something to look forward to at regular intervals. 

Thank you all for being so patient with us as we've grown our little corner of the internet. We're still in shock sometimes at the level of support you guys give that allows us to create the things we love. Let us know how you feel about these changes, we always value what you folks have to say. See you in the next one ;) 




his motives are understandable, but it is not the same without images 😭😭😭😭


Great chapter, I understand where your coming from about wanting to get content out. But i would rather wait and get the art and images with Tank and 4 Strokes.


So less art per chapter? Hmmm, not sure if I like this new format already.


I'm in agreement with the other comments, we all love this series but it feels a little empty without a picture or two added, even if they are simple pictures. Still a wonderful chapter and Tank did a wonderful job on it.


I'm going to stick with it as I love the work you two do, but I think I prefer the old format.

Furlock O'Donnell

I definitely prefer the older style, even if it means waiting longer for it. I came here to support you guys. I don't really care about how often you post. <3


Would much prefer the less frequent chapters with art


To be completely honest, the story alone doesn't do much for me without the accompanying art. I'd much rather see fewer uploads with more content in each than an attempt to increase quantity by cutting quality.


If the narrative is not strong enough to hold the attention of the audience, that's entirely on me, and of course I apologize for that. I will try and do better! Our shift in focus is less about increasing quantity, and more of a way to reduce what has become a full-time workload on Colten. It's very difficult and draining on him to balance the bonus comic (which has become regular content), our traditional work, and real life obligations. When we started, this was designed as a project for us to work together, and have a good time putting out content in a way that we both enjoyed. This is us trying to stay true to that, while hopefully not disappointing you guys too badly. :) -Tank


Your writing is wonderful please don't take everyone's love for Colton's art as a reflection of your talent. I'm loving the story and am eager to see where it goes!


Yooooo your writing is fantastic. I'm very much just as here for the story as I am for the art :)