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Another poll, another potentially embarrassing outcome for ol' Jack. This time you guys can vote for which outfit Frank picked up while Jack was stuffed in the shopping cart. 

It's up to you to make sure Jack looks his best while visiting grandma's :D 



If you pick overalls I'm gonna fight you


That's not directed at colt3n, it's directed at everyone who picks overalls^


Tykables needs you you design some clothes.


Well lets fight M Z, I happen to like overalls, lol. Puts fists up! Although I'd prefer a shirt without pants option!


My friends, comrades, and compatriots, please do not be swayed by Orion's words. A vote for onesie is a vote for a better future.


Transforms into Black Panther and screams: Overalls Forever!


These are the kind of statement I'd expect from team overalls. My friends, the answer to this poll has never been more clear.


Definitely the onesie. ^^

Glyn Wolf

I agonized between the onesie and shortalls, because they're both so cute. I had to go with the onesie in the end because of the possible threat of discovery of his snaps. But I love the shortalls option too, as well as those who voted for it. Don't let M Z pit us against one another, for we are stronger together! ;)


Glyn, your defamation of myself as a divisive villian is offensive and uncalled for. Although you have made the correct vote, you flattery of team overall suggests a weakness of character. My friends, do not listen to this wolf's words. He is a coward and a scoundrel.


Kinda feel like option B is a happy medium. A is a bit too far I think and C isn’t embarrassing at all.


I think the shortalls would look the best on him, though maybe a t-shirt instead of a polo.


Nooo, I want shortalls! Only a nerdy geek would vote for the onesie 😤


Why not mix the onesie and the shortalls together? If he gets too hot the shortalls can come off or 8f grandma wants to play dress up with him he isn't completely embarrassed, but it is still childish enough for it to put a blush on his face. Don't let the discourse in the comments sway your opinion, a compromise of choice A and B is the best way for maximum blushing!


Omg I can't decide lol! When I look at the shortalls, I can just imagine how cute he'll look in the onesie, but then when I look at the onesie I imagine how cute he'll look in the shortalls XD


Flynn, there isn't room for negotiation here. It's all or nothing. Pick a side and stick to it. None of these "gotta hear both sides" nonsense.


Onesie! Both adorable and humiliating.


I've gotta be honest, I couldn't decide either so I voted for both! XD


Folks, we won. I'm so proud of all of us today.