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Hey guys, barring any further crises, the latest chapter should absolutely be up in time for the deadline tonight. We apologize again for the bumpiness, but life's been a bear for the both of us lately.

Mr. Wolf losing his hard drive when the chapter was just about done was a major hit for us, but I think we got the wheels back on this wagon for the time being. Hoping a new chapter will be a nice treat for y'all in this month full of tricks!

Happy Halloween, good boys. :)




I think we'd all understand if you were a little late because of technical problems!


Were you able to recover the hard drive?


No worries, guys! Life happens! It is what it is as my mother always says haha. Can't wait to see it~:) Would love it if you did some single shot single panel artwork too! You should seriously consider doing one for each month of whatever major holidays! LOL I would Die if I saw stuff like that hahaha it would be so freaking EPIC lolz. Something like... Jack & Papa @ Halloween... Jack & Brooks on Valentines... Brooks & Jack @ Saint Patricks Day or 4th of JULY~!!!! .... I would literally LOVE them ALL!!! :) My husband and I are a huge fan of the american animated tv-show Bob's Burgers and we just LOVE it when they do holiday themed episodes heh heh. It's like crack to us lolz.


Technology sucks sometimes, sorry to hear it! Glad you're both up and going again though, getting over that hurdle is always a big step. Can't wait to see what y'all have created since last time though!


Perfectly fine. You guys make great stuff and if it takes a little longer it is A-okay with me :)


No worries from my end, I am familiar with such issues. Use the struggles as a learning opportunity - off-site backup :)


It's all good! *hugs* Gotta stop spending all your Patreon funds on diapers and get a backup drive! XP haha jk Sorry you guys had to put up with some extra stress, but I'm glad to hear you're not letting this lil hiccup get the best of you