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This bonus chapter winner is Biscuit! Hope you folks enjoy this one. 




So everything about this is gold, but I have to take a minute here and shout out to the cheese wedges on that preview icon because that's amazing.


Those bullies were really just looking out for the lil' guy :) It's awesome how you guys can convey such a dynamic range of characters and settings between all the different stories. I love the set up illustrations with Biscuit strutting proudly along and the bullies leaning in from the edge of the page with a look of deviousness on their faces. Such a cute rat too! The writing flowed extremely well, a good balance between dialogue and descriptive narration conveying each characters' actions and feelings. The writing and illustrations set each other up so well. I like seeing illustrations and then having the writing give it context, but it's also so awesome having the writing set up a scene and then seeing it. When you guys are working on a story, what usually comes first? Does it usually get written out first and then the illustrations are based off the text or are some ideas sketched out first that inspires the writing?


this bonus was amazing and pushed some buttons i like


Thank you, Tank will definitely appreciate the literary compliments! As far as work flow, Tank starts off everything, he's kind of the master mind (don't tell him I said that). I read through his script and base the drawings off of the key events that stick out most. We have pretty great synergy with each other so it all flows pretty well when we're putting these together.