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Alright partners, we had a considerable chunk of voters on both sides of the poll, and after talking things over (AT LENGTH!), we decided it'd be better for everyone if we held off for quality purposes, and to get a good, strong start for March.We apologize for the lean month, we're still hammering out some kinks in our work routine, but we'll be seeing a lot less tumbleweeds around here in the future.As always, we love y'all and thank you for sticking with us while we get our sea legs situated. :)-Tank



Its fine


You can't rush perfection :) Ideally, I'd love reading a new chapter every day, heck, I wish there were 10 new chapters every day heh, but obviously that's not realistic or possible. What you two have been releasing has been great and they've only been getting better. You guys know what's best and got our total support


Don't hammer out too many of the kinks, we're paying good money for those.