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Hey guys. 

Just posting here to get an idea of how you guys are enjoying things so far, whether the upload schedule is working for y'all, and to field any other comments or concerns you might be having. Absolutely feel free to let us know anything that might be on your mind. We want this to be as fun for y'all as it is for us. :) 

Either way, we very much appreciate the love and support you guys have shown us thus far, and we hope you'll stick with us through the long run. Next chapter is gonna be available on the 25th!




I'm enjoying what's being posted so far! I see no problem with the current upload schedule. Keep up the great work!


I’m enjoying it as well. Awesome job!


No complaints here! This is the first patreon that's actually interested me enough to spend any money on it. Love the content so far and can't wait to see more!


Liking the flow the way it is actually. Can complain and absolutely loving the art work and writing being posted


seems alright so far. can't see much need for changes just yet. (pun intended) the sketches in between allow for a fun break between chapters. Keep up the great work, and wishing you both the best!


Everything is working great for me thus far too - I love everything you have posted so far and couldn't be happier :D


I like, best patron setup ive experienced, with the charges just being for chapters and sketches and such are a nice suprise.


I'd say you guys are doin' great! Keep it up! :D


It’s all so lovely. Thank you.


I can't think of any improvements at the moment. Definitely prefer the pay per chapter format as it is easier to see the results directly.


I dunno. This "Routine Upkeep" story hasn't been very sexy. Everything else has been great though.


You guys are doing a great job with it. The per chapter charges are a good system and while I'm currently in the minimum tier, the percs offered are extremely enticing and seem more than fair. I realize this is more of a utility post and you guys gotta prioritize your main content. But it would have been kinda fun and cute to see a little sketch depicting Jack and/or Brooks performing maintenance or be “maintenance themed” to go along with it. That’s cool you’re reaching out and checking up on us! It’s much appreciated and keep it up!


I really like that idea of having an illustration go along with our updates. We'll definitely be stealing that in the future ;)


No complaints with the rate of posting, art quality, or quality of the text. Rather enjoying this so far.


Three chapters in one month! I'm definitely satisfied with the quality and quantity of the content you guys are providing us. Also loving the sketches and extra content in between the chapters.