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A meeting of the Coven of Elders is nigh … and meanwhile, our Coven of Designers is eager to receive your official feedback on the witch class! We promise that, unlike certain Elder Coven witches, we have Ame’s best interests at heart. In fact, we want to make her abilities (and Fox) even better—and that’s where you come in.

If you’ve played a witch, played in or run a game with a witch, or even just read through the PDF, we would love to hear from you in this survey! (If you already left a comment on Patreon, it would be super duper helpful if you could also put your feedback in the form, but we will read the comments regardless.)

The feedback form will be open for a month, through midnight Pacific Time on Sunday, March 10th. The most helpful feedback is simply telling us what you enjoyed or didn’t enjoy and why, not what you think the mechanics should be. Too many cooks in the cottage’s kitchen and all that.

Friends, spirits, wanderers between worlds—thank you. We can’t wait to hear your thoughts.

Access the survey here: https://forms.gle/fh6B9JPpdybeMPmU8 




ooooo a west marches with this is such a great idea! Congrats!


Conspiracy theory based on zero evidence: Eioghorain is the only one who knows that Steel is the one who killed/caused the death of Suvi’s parents.


I played a Witch of the Green, and a Witch of the Claw in a small separate series of high-level one-shots. These subclasses pack a punch!

Jesse Massaro

Do folks play with tokens costing the spell slot to create? It looks like 4 extra lvl 1 spells per day, at lvl 1 to me? Lvl 13 is 5 counterspells in the team's hands? And restock up to 4/day off rests alone. Please lemme know, folks, if I'm being silly, it never says expend the spell slot unless you fail by 5 or more. Or, lemme know if folks think it shouldn't expend the spell slot? I'm just saying that 4 tokens a day is double the number of first level spells any caster ever gets (and it scales with total level), so this is an auto dip for literally any caster, possibly any character at all. It should take the spell slot, right? Even that is powerful?


Gearing up for a campaign in which I'll be playing a Coven of the Green Witch! I'm thinking they might be a Shifter. Really torn between Wildhunt and Swiftstride. I've also been musing about how to leverage something like the Token mechanic to make spell jars that can self-activate without overpowering the mechanic. So inspired by another podcast I love, Old Gods of Appalachia, in which spell jars were buried in a yard as wards.