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The PC's come together from the Holiday Road (and a wild variety of sound environments) to talk about Name Days and bathroom bangin. Meanwhile our guest stars begin to form some sort of...initiative...a team if you will, of...remarkable individuals. 


Brandon Rilling

Would love a WBN one shot where all the pcs and npcs are the special guests for Mr. Wilson


How’s Lou’s hunt for Brennan in the Panama Jungle going? Did they miss each other again?

Thomas Flott

Brennan lost forever in the wilds of South America :/ :(


Crackle crackle!


Ahoo hoo. Lowkey worried about where the Mike Bibby jersey comes into play lol


Next WBN one shot : Lou and Brennan's escape from Panama

Harold Dupree

Now I won’t assume anything about the patrons of WBN, but all of Lou’s guests have a very robust knowledge of the episodes and the firesides. Is Lou giving out content for free to all these folks? It’s his right to do so, but surely he wouldn’t give out now over a dozen free passes


Dw Aabria, *I* think Silver is great


Why did aabria get kicked off Twitter?

Katrina Focht

I'm glad the Tumblr girlies agree because I will go down with the Suvi and Ame ship 🫡

Tom J

Fireside Chat Out of Context: "Yes, go to the mat for edging!"

Jonah Loeb

100% agree with Lou, sink that damn ship before it leaves the harbor

Carrie Mook Bridgman

"Who is this boy standing in the way of a ship that we just set sail"?!? Oh, Aabria, honey, that ship sailed the first day of the main campaign. You were there. You saw the comments, at least here. I have been resisting that idea, myself. I like the sibling dynamic, and I worry about Eursalon being the odd one out. But after that episode? Don't pretend you and Erika are surprised. It's not just the writing-on-the-hand scene, either. I can't find it right now, but I think it was in this episode where Ame thanks Eursalon for visiting her in the infirmary and says she knew Suvi was there, too, because "there was one place on the bed that had her scent." Lou: "It would be awesomeif that ship could sink." Thank you! If any three (!!!) players could pull that off, it would be these three, but I really hope they don't condemn Lou to a "cursed experience." It's a long campaign. Maybe later they could bring in a couple more regular players to ease the dynamics, and something could happen there. I just think it's hilarious that Aabria sounds surprised.

Tommy Deibel

Aabria- as the youngest of 3, you got sibling dynamics down pretty damn well


I was one of those tens of people to watch Transcendence, I believe in you Aabria!

Roy Ernster

So at this point, are we getting a either a one shot recreation of Brennan and Lou’s adventures in Panama, or, and this is my preference, a full on scripted audio recreation of said events with Brennan, Lou, and Aabria/erica playing the captives against whoever isn’t a captive playing the captee?

Matthew B

S-tier wizards confirmed. Headcannon: Somewhere in the world there is a wizard named Shit and they are THE SHIT.


I’m on tumblr and I like Silver! It’s really ok!!

B Dunks

Truly hoping for a wizard named Snickerdoodle who just makes baller cookies

Matthew B

Someone could turn Tumbler around on Silver with some sexy fan art of him looking at the camera and saying "What's up? Drama!"


As a fellow tumblrer, if I was to have reservations about Silver, it would be from the idea that the group has yet to identify the people Soft and Stone were battling against. If S names indicate power, Silver, who was already named well before Suvi, could have been part of it.


me 🤝 Erika narrative edging

Ben Hazel

What if next time Mr Drifts accepts the return invitation except he isn't able to make it so HE needs to have a replacement

Brandon Carbaugh

What up y'all, I'm the wizard Sicknasty!!! [does a kickflip while casting a fireworks cantrip and absolutely beefs it]

Matthew B

I'm wiz Shady, I'm the real Shady All you other wiz Shadys are just imitating

Matthew B

The wizards Saber and Scimitar are twins who insist they are totally different but people get them confused all the time.

Matthew B

The wizard Slim was named Jim. The wizard Savage was named Randy. They are life partners and are the only ones in the whole world who keep each others' birth names.

Matthew B

Wizard Sorry is the Citadel's chief ambassador. They are incredibly smooth but no one really believes what they say. Wizard Sincere, on the other hand, is beloved by all, but they don't let them talk to outsiders. We don't talk about the wizard Silly.


Hopefully he’s just busy with the most wonderful things.

Lilith Evenstar

Can the next campaign be a series of Lou's guests DMing the Panama Rescue Story with Aabria as Brennan, Erika as Lou, and Brennan as Mr. Beardguy?


Chekov's gourmand fox, calling it now


Also: magical confections are WOEFULLY underused as a concept

Merissa McClure

Baking is science for hungry people

lil guy

I want an avengers franchise of all the guest stars


I kinda get disheartened by ships like this. It's so surprisingly rare to see real friendships in media without them being turned into romances

Evilest Teapot

The surprise makes me think that they genuinely hadn’t thought of it and therefore that the story will not go that way. Although I do love the ship and will sail along with the rest of you I just hope that the Wbn crew don’t feel pressured into anything


I don’t think that’s true at all about female characters, but I also don’t think the online ship is going to affect how Aabria or Erika play it

Kristin Higginbotham

I believe it’s been established that the guests also play as Eurselon each episode, which makes the consistency of his character episode to episode all the more amazing

Justin Melillo

Is this a "we know brennan isn't available for a while" or a "brennan's schedule unfortunately just hasn't lined up" situation? I love the firesides but it does feel like something is missing without the GM perspective there

David Caponi

I’ve been doing a listen through and lo and behold! Episode #6: Fresh Fish, 6 months ago, there are not one but TWO times that Suvi calls herself Sky. Picture perfect foreshadowing, people!

Brian Smith

*spoiler ? Theory ?* . . What if Eursulon’s “amulet, talisman, anchor” is the golden armor? Curran's Pauldron?

Evilest Teapot

Also the point at which 'Ame thanks Eursalon for visiting her in the infirmary and says she knew Suvi was there, too, because "there was one place on the bed that had her scent."' is in ep 16 at around the 1.20.00 mark

Carrie Mook Bridgman

I agree, and I seriously doubt they would be pressured into anything. It's just funny that Aabria hadn't realized the ship had sailed, since she is in the comments on Discord--or was for a while.

Peter Crowell

Was literally coming on here to post the same idea. Have the guests, Lou and Brennan play themselves. Erika or Aabria play as beard guy and the other GM

Peter Crowell

If I had to guess; his playing Candela on Critical Role conflicted with recording these, which would mean Aabria will miss some soon

Lilith Evenstar

Brennan's turn on Candela wrapped up earlier in the month, and from some of the things they have said it sounds like the firesides are usually recorded in the week before they air. My guess is that Brennan had been in production on a D20 sidequest this past month, or possibly working on his new improv show with Izzy.

Jonah Loeb

Silver is, like, two or three years older than Suvi. There's absolutely no way he was involved with the League of Whispers.

Winifred Yost

my deeply unproven theory is that Aabria was more than happy to leave little crumbs of ship bait here and there in a slow burn / angst / plausible deniability that fuels fan fic way, and Lou or someone else was like "legit please no, that would be The Worst as a playing experience" and everybody was like "yeah cool we all want to have fun and a good time" and this was kind of a course correct to let the fans know not to expect it to happen on the podcast. Or Aabria legit played things way more sapphic than even she realized and was surprised by the... enthusiasm of the response no matter the how and why tho, mad respect for setting clear expectations and respecting the comfort/bounds of everyone at the table


I love the reference to Brennan’s “Dom DM” moment


honestly don't know where the idea that everyone hates silver came from!! feeling indifferent is not hate 💖


Well, during the children's campaign, when Eursulon first tried to go home, Brennan asked if he was carrying the Pauldron.

Xathonn X

Yeah I hope he comes back soon, I really like the DM insight in aftershows

Christen Bushie

Bold of you all to assume that we *just* set that ship sailing. Suvi constantly showing off to Ame is 100% a trope

Shades Run

I watched Transcendence along time ago, I also liked it 😂


There was a "room where it happens" missed moment when talking about the archmages meeting room


Just have Saige stop by for a guest character appearance. Aabria & her natural energy will shift everyone off of any other sapphic ship. Then she leaves and Suvi can pine.

Mushroom Morgan

I am so deeply team the PCs just happily end up in polyamory

Vice Versailles

Sonder is an absolute treasure. Really demonstrating his name. Just a whole and complete life going on entirely outside the narrative

Derek Davidson

We need some episodes of Eursulon and the foxes restaurant critique show, "Eats that in'spire' "


"A NEW FEAR"???? YOU GUYS HAVE NOT LIVED W THIS WORRY SINCE EP 1??? three childhood friends grow up and are hot now??? i've been So Conserned about this third wheel possability for Forever fjyjt

Sky Rowan

Aabria, I need you to know, as a person with the name Sky in real life, you choosing it as Suvi’s wizard name makes up for the decades of never seeing my name on any little novelty keychain or notebook or sticker. I love this so much. It’s the little things for me


Do y'all think y'all will release the soundtrack for Worlds Beyond Number at any point? I love the music so much the artist is so talented

Sky Young

Likewise, fellow Sky! I still geek everytime it's said. My brain's like "oops did someone say my name? Sorry I was listening to a podcast" haha


Question: real talk outside of the bit, is Brennan okay? I saw someone say that he wouldn't be present for any of the talk backs in era 2 but had no source on it and I only saw it that one time. Is he coming back?


I understand there may be times when you can't be in a good studio/recording space. But this sounds like headphone mics? This is a high profile podcast, which has a high number of backers, even if you're recording at home, do I have to listen to a Zoom call?