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A special guest joins Aabria and Erika to cover for Brennan (who is sill lost in Panama's infamous Darién Gap) as they discuss the world building festival fever dream of episode 16, food glorious food, and invent a new segment called Bag It or Tag It, where the players must choose to BAG IT...or TAG IT! What would YOU choose, listener?



Drop the Vampire Debate in the feed, you cowards 🧛


I must say, Craig did an absolutely fabulous job channeling Lou Wilson in this epsiode. It almost felt like he was in the room, with that inside scoop on House of Gains and the shrimp challenge.


there was an old episode of davie and goliath where a little boy was both racist and blind. i haven’t seen it since i was a kid but it was absolutely bananas i think about it all the time.

The Silversmith

Y'all just gave me a wicked ramen craving with all the fish soup descriptions.


Give us the 90 minute town hall debate!


Bag it or tag it hour long episode when


Any chance anyone has a link to the NPC generator that Craig used? Asking for a friend


Someone really needs to make some art of all of Lou's friends talking to each other at a party.


fully laugh crying at my desk over bag it or tag it XD


My asexual aromantic ass fully winning bag it or tag it every time I play and walking away with all the magical items


I want a dedicated episode of bag it or tag it. Crying laughing


2 solid dating options, or a racist drug dealer, your call also was not rdy for the ayn rand pull 💀


Ok, I'm a little late to the podcast and as of right now I'm on episode ep 17, but I wanted to say this now in case I turn out to he right. I don't trust steel, I think yuron is a red herring, and I am almost positive that steel had an active hand in the death of soft and stone thank you for coming to my Ted talk


I stand behind the comedy of our favorite Honored Friend’s intro

Pat & Heather

More bag it & tag it please omg