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Erika joins us from the road (fun new timbre!), while Brennan is LOST in the equatorial marsh of deepest Panama. We are back and the chat is STACKED with loving and constructive dialogue from ITS PARTICIPANTS. Lou got two JET SKIS. Hold on tight, friends and lovers.


Sam A.

Y'all are wonderful, pls post pics of jet ski stunts when possible. Can't wait to listen!!


So does Suvi play classical music when other people are over but has Lo-fi hip hop beats to relax and study to bookmarked on her laptop?



Viola Helmers

Omg new art for Arc II?? I'm so excited, that better be here SO QUICK.

Yanick Pips

Gonna need a link to those Fan Fiction Storys. For science.

Bill Posters

I think I saw Brennan in Equatorial Guinea last week

kat martin

This is my Official Demand for the Slut Cut ™


~He's Louing on a jet ski...~


If this is fireside for episode 15 then where is episode 15

Dead Lee

Ame's childhood is not sad it's FUNNY, FUNNY

Nairi Malkhasian

the stranger played by honey balenciaga i’m cryingggg i love you all so much 😭🫶

Tully Highland

On the public feed - Apple Podcasts, YouTube, wherever you get your podcasts. Also on the Patreon in a previous post. https://www.patreon.com/posts/91566213?utm_campaign=postshare_fan

Jo L

Release the slut cut!!!!!


Where did this character art drop? 👀


Release the slut cut!

Pip Tarou

Everyone out here lookin' for the hot Eursulon Arc 2 art drop. Ey.

Meghan Lewis

Listen, the depths of my sadness halfway through Ame’s memories with Grandma Wren… the legitimate love and grief I felt in knowing her better while also knowing that we can’t go back to visit her NOW

Lance Carmack

So hearing Lou and Aabria talk about their potential familiar, I immediately thought Lous should represent his admiration for Sir Currin and himself as a wild one. And my first thought was Harpy Eagle. It's an eagle with a crown, and it's MASSIVE.

Meghan Lewis

🎶🎷horny take the wheeeEEeel, put it in their hands, cause I could do this on my own, but they gotta know, and I’ll risk it for the chaaaaaance🎷🎶

Meghan Lewis



Is Lou actually Mobius?


Implying that Fabian is "sexy as hell" and Kingston isn't is the most I've ever disagreed with Lou


From an intial search I think it's To Sweeten the Deal by summerwilde on ao3

havvin dro

Would it ever be possible to release minimally/unedited episodes?


Starting hot with Romancing the Stone. I was yelling at you all in my kitchen as you blundered your way through describing it and trying to remember Michael Douglas is the guy in it. Very fun, great movie! One of my favorites! ❤️

Zachary Burkhalter

Ah yes my favorite children's book "Goodnight Lou"


Taylor release the slut cut! But more importantly, please release the Spooky Sexy Skeletons full song so I can put it on my Halloween Playlist

Kendra Baird

New art where??? When??? I gotta have it

Ron Ron

yea i am looking for the same need to see hot ursalan

Katie Fesenmeyer

Search Eursalon art and in his glamor form is definitely hot boi

Rowan Sauer

The "Sea-Two" joke would have done numbers on NADDPOD. Aabria just had the wrong audience.

Tom J

"As we've established, I guess, supposedly, it wasn't funny." I adore the relitigating of this failed bit. XD

Ron Ron

I need ballroom music when ever "The Stranger" is mention or arrives. I NEED IT!

Ignacio Segura Montero

NOW BRENNAN IS IN PANAMA TOO???? God damnit, just cross the damn border and let me meet you!!!!!

Hunter M

WHERE is the art ‼️‼️

Mori ✨

Give us the art!!!



Kelso of the Sea

Immediately went to find the Will Gallows fics 🤸🏻‍♂️

Sarah Sutton

How are there people who have not seen Michael Douglas & Kathleen Turner's sizzling on screen romance? They burned bales of cannabis for warmth!


When ursalon gets his horse, what is it going to look like?


Also, Ursalon as a Paladin deserves Charisma front and center art.


Big thanks to Lou Wilson for the real solid he's doing all the girlies.

James Murtha

I am so invested in what will hopefully become the Lou and the Jet ski revival saga.

Craig Pate

As a millennial named Craig, it was shocking to hear another one of us being able to host the fireside next time!! Good luck on your quest Lou!

Michelle Spurgeon

Hanging with Bradley Cooper *Looks at the camera in A Star is Born*


Y’all woke up one morning and said “let’s make the only dnd actual play that matters”


Brennan has broke containment

Amy Elizabeth Reinhart

So, anyone else see the Eagle familiar as just Eursulon walking around talking to a monosyllabic Sam the Eagle from The Muppets? … no? Just me?

Riley Crowder

Unoffical Subtitle: "Those Good Horny Vibes"

Brandon Carbaugh

The idea of sitting on a water motorcycle that goes 50mph in THE OCEAN OUTSIDE OF LA, WHICH CONTAINS SHARKS is terrifying to me. But more power to Lou!


Oh good, we are acknowledging the fact that Brennan full on nailed the parental role of Ren and I don't have to go back and say that he's 💯 built for being a parent - b/c it felt bloody awkward to say it as a listener and not a player


After hearing about the different witch covens I really hope that the Witch of the Woodland Green, Hakea, was something like the “blackforager” on Instagram (she is amazing please check her out). But her videos also kinda give me Ame vibes because she is so happy, delightful, and a bit subversive about “modern living.” Either way I’m super down for super nature witch times however they come.


Hahahahahaha no. Ame lacks the guile and self interest to be a fox. Ame-as-familiar is a raccoon. Just as much of a handful as the fox but in a completely different way. If Suvi was a witch her familiar would be a very friendly pug. However, as a wizard, her familiar would be a elderly imp with full disapproving teacher vibes, that encourages her to pursue power at the expense of all else. Wizard familiars are very different to witch familiars. Ursulon's "familiar" will be a sequence of birds that keep flying off because they are just actual birds.

Hex Sharpe

In my personal headcanon The Stranger is played by Taliesin Jaffe, Erika pls confirm this vibe


despite the vast and unknowable expanse that is my imagination, somehow the only image I can conjure of the boys on seadoos for The Great Panama Escape is Lou wearing normal beachwear, perhaps a jauntily askew safari hat, and Brennan wearing a button-down shirt with sleeves rolled up to the elbows


"Who among us hasn't bone-downed during grief." Asexuals: *leave the group chat*


I feel like Erika and Lou did not give “uroboromance” the hype it deserved

Peter Ellis

Gramma Wren "I am leaving you with a very big, very important job. To help you in this I give you... My Rolodex"


“and post boner, OR bonee!” evokes trans Silver for me, evokes the imagery of wizards of the citadel who are trans having the gnarliest most beautiful gender-affirmation scars

The Silversmith

Except Lou has played an old guy on NADDpod campaign 2 and Jabari was still way too hot.


Lou - if you do renovate those sea-doos, _please_ tiktok the process!! That would make an awesome series.


Lou Wilson you are the coolest person ever for seeing two free sea-dos and going "yeah i can fix them" These fireside chats are so delightful, thank you all 💖💕


Lou’s Yes/No bald eagle familiar reminds me of Saga’s Lying Cat

Maria Ferraguto

Human Fox gives Spike from cowboy bebop for me

Maria Ferraguto

If the stranger is honey balenciaga then Mirrara is Dominique Jackson


i died laughing the entire yes/no eagle segment, one of the alternate universe familiars of all time

Ric Freeman

We know everyone is warn for Eursalons form, but has it been confirmed if he would like to do the sex, and if so, with who?

Jeremy Baxter

yes no eagle had me CACKLING at work


Romancing the Stone should be about a bard attempting to seduce a comely earth elemental


And in that note, if Lou stopped Brennan from romancing the Stone, would that mean he rock blocked him? 🤔

Allie Mancuso-Healy

Loved the convo about Eursulon's "consumption" because honestly, yeah, it's like... a fey thing. The revelry. Mortals getting swept into parties with endless flowing wine and dancing, blinding fairy lights and laughter--- but the mortal realm doesn't really allow for that, because what comes up has to come down outside of the Otherworld. And that sort of thing very specifically doesn't usually work out for mortals, because usually they either dance til they die or non-fairy food tastes like ash and they no longer want to eat and end up wasting away... so it's very interesting to explore what happens to a sidhe/spirit, especially one whose family legacy is about "living well," having that dicotomy that starts from the very beginning with "your honey is quiet."

Allie Mancuso-Healy

Not to mention how closely food is associated with ideas of family & home & love, and how Eursulon like, literally may not ever be able to recapture the flavors of his home and family and.... ughhhh, I'm having feelings about this now.

Chris Newport

It's pronounced "bomb-bar-dee-ay" 🚤

Chris Newport

Drawing from his history with honey, can Eursulon's familiar be "bees"? That's a winged animal of sorts, and a hive mind counts as one, right? 🐝🐝🐝

Chris Newport

There is a reason things like jetskis and old upright pianos are free. Moving them being a big one, but the potential morass of a project they are likely to be also. That said, hope it's educational and pays off! (Signed: a recovering (?) project addict)

Emma Runswick

He had somebody else's underwear in his barn early on, and prior to breaking the curse he told Ame and Suvi he had had sex, but I'm not sure we have confirmation of with whom.

Olivia Buse

The real question: where is the picture of the fox, hawk/eagle, and bunny?

Zander Jenkins

Brennan escaped captivity again


The idea of The Stranger coming back after that year and a day and doing a death drop... *chef's kiss*. I loved this talkback; I hope Lou can save Brennan!

Melody Snow

Oh my God I just looked this up and it feels like I get it 😄 🤣

Olivia Buse

Thank you! I expected that to be more difficult for some reason lol. Also more wholesome, but hey 😂.

Matthew McDowell

Now he doesn't have to walk the coasts, he can ski

Zander Jenkins

What do they MEAN it would be sad to be on a JetSki by yourself?? It would be funny

Merissa McClure

Hanging with Bradley Cooper lmao Aabria. I'm in that diagram

Carrie Mook Bridgman

He has also commented on the hotness of a male character--can't remember right now who it was. So I am guessing he's bi or pan.

Michelle Karey-McKenna

OK, the witches rhyme had one for all the other witches, but what is the one for the Witch of the World's Heart? The one the other apprentices would have heard.

Carrie Mook Bridgman

I don't have it quite right, but it was a poem on Grandma Wren's mantelpiece: "With open hands and smiling face, A home of homes would all embrace."


I really need a meme of Lou's "It's funnyyyyy."

Ashley Teatum

(1) I need to curséd link, what is the context here and what am I missing and (2) is the fox with human eyes just a red fox? Is there another kind?


Hot boy winter on those skis!


Sorry, but I'm a inveterate worried older parent... be careful on those! Older Jet-Skis are less stable then the newer kind.

Robert Harrington

Is it odd that I’m so committed to the bit that I get disappointed when Lou said he “isn’t going to be on the next episode”. My brain has fully separated Lou and his special guest stand ins.

Katharine Smith

Can I just say how much I enjoy these firesides? I feel like I'm sitting on facetime laughing with my pals!


Are you no longer doing transcripts for the Fireside Chats?


I love that Erika was so suspicious of Silver immediately upon mentioning him. That's best friend vibe for sure.


Okay so i can't explain Why, but suvi's familiar being a rabbit solves a very specific problem ive had for abt a year now for a project and that feels Great. Aight! Cryptic ruvi Out !!


What I learned from this episode is that Grandma Wren is the Queen Diva, Divaest of them all~ 😌

Scarlett Carson

No no. That “hanging with Bradley cooper” Venn diagram got me directly and I love you for it


https://archiveofourown.org/works/49423960/chapters/124728100#workskin Probably this