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After much toil and trouble, the early version of our witch class is finally here and available to you, our beloved patrons!! A lot of care and deliberation went into developing the class for Erika to use, and we’ve been so eager to share it with you all and hear what you think.

Erika found this page of rough ideas in their notebook, so we think you can see just how far we’ve come in developing it into a playable class.

Worlds Beyond Number - Witch Class Playtest (PDF) 

We have to stress that this is an early draft of the class mechanics—it hasn’t been thoroughly playtested (you’ve basically heard the extent of it on the podcast), so GMs should be fully aware of that before allowing it to be used in their games.

Because of this, we’ll be seeking feedback from the Patreon in a month or two, once people have had some time to play the class and test it out. We don’t expect feedback, but if you decide to try it out and are willing to share some thoughts, we’d love to hear from you, so keep an eye out!

Big thanks to everyone who helped us put this together, including designers Mazey Veselak, Brandes Stoddard, and Hannah Rose; layout artist Ruby Lavin; illustrators Corey Brickley, Tucker Donovan, and Taylor Moore; and original character illustrator Lorena Lammer.

EDIT (Feb 12th, 2024): If you’ve played a witch, played in or run a game with a witch, or even just read through the PDF, we would love to hear from you in this survey! (If you already left a comment on Patreon, it would be super duper helpful if you could also put your feedback in the form, but we will read the comments regardless.) The feedback form will be open for a month, through midnight Pacific Time on Sunday, March 10th!



Leah Stigale

If Suvi or Eursulon dies, I wonder if Ame will end up in the whicked coven. Or maybe if Fox is lost.


For clarification, can a witch build a talisman using a Cantrip? I know it references spell slot, but it would be nice to be able to pass talismans out so that Retributive Curse is worth it. The cost of Sacking a spell slot when at best you only have 4 is a bit rough


So with the Curse Token lvl 6 feature of the Coven of the Wicked, is the item maintaining the concentration for you (as in you no longer have to maintain concentration on that curse) or is it like the Magical Assistant feature that lets your familiar "hold" the concentration for you?

Lilith Evenstar

So many brilliant elements, like a whole subclass that has to happen to you, but for me the subtleties seem equally well -chosen. So excited to play with multiclassing Coven of the Claw for different extensions on both the combat and crafting capabilities


Just played part one of a two-shot with my level 16 Coven of the Claw Witch last night and it was an absolute blast. Can't wait to explore more in part two!


Getting to this a little late so forgive me if someone has already said this and I'm just not finding it with the search feature: Subclasses should be mentioned at the level where you get them in the class features with flavor text and the levels at which you'll get subclass features. For reference, Arcane Tradition in the Wizard class should read the same. Awesome homebrew and I'm excited to let any of my players try this out.

Jesse Massaro

I've had a player looking at this class as a potential build in a game I'm running request to swap the four conjure spells on their list for five of the summon spells out of Tasha's: Summon Beast, Summon Fey, Summon Elemental, Summon Celestial, and Summon Draconic Spirit. Replacing Conjure Woodland Beings, Conjure Minor Elementals, Conjure Elemental, and Conjure Fey. And TBH I think this is a solid swap. The summon spells are much better design for both player and GM. And they allow for easy flavor swapping with less "I want a swarm of pixies to polymorph the team into T-rex" vibe. I also think the summon spells are more powerful and more likely to be used, so a bit of extra "boost" for the PC, but the conjure spells are clunky and hand PCs stat blocks from the monsters manual. I'll take consistency and smooth gameplay, ty v much.


I don't think they'll be using any spells in the official version save for the PHB ones, but they make plenty of sense for home games.


So, I built a L5 Wicked witch and played her for the second time last night. The DM let me hand out some pre-made tokens as like a “thanks for letting me join your table” gift, and I can’t tell you how psyched I am to throw a wracking, retributive curse on somebody’s behalf.


Can’t wait for my L6 concentration tokens either


Hi WWW team! I am a homebrew creator (Radabard's Archive of Everything) and I am currently reading through the Witch playtest. I have a few concerns I'd like to raise: Witchcraft: At level 1 instead of just getting 2 spell slots like a normal caster you can also create up to two spell-storing items each with a 1st level spell. By level 13 you can keep up to 5 3rd levels with you. This is very, very strong compared to what other casters get at 1st level. By comparison, Artificers get this as their level 11 feature and can only create a single 2nd-level spell-storing item. The talisman portion seems OK to me, but there are a few potential exploits given the item recharges at dawn and not when the creator takes a long rest. Coffeelock type stuff. I understand the flavor here is for Ame to be able to hand out little magic trinkets to those she helps. I feel like something like this might work better as a background feature, akin to Folk Hero's Rustic Hospitality, allowing her to help strangers with her magic and get room and board in return. Witch's Familiar: Rewriting Find Familiar as a class ability can create some odd situations where someone could get Find Familiar through a feat or multiclassing and cast it to have two familiars. I think a better way to phrase this ability would be to grant the Find Familiar spell, but add a clause that the familiar has additional HP, can be healed, etc. Retributive Curses: Looks fine to me. Wracking Curses: I believe other similar abilities that increase damage to marked enemies increase it by around 1d6 if they're around 3rd-6th level, 1d8 if they're around 9th-11th level. The Witch gets this at 5th level, and in addition to also receiving 3rd level spell slots. All other offensive full-casters get nothing except 3rd level spell slots at this level. I believe only bards and clerics get anything at 5th, and that's because bards get a support ability and clerics get a very situational ability that only works on undead. Willful Walls: This ability is very flavorful, but also not very useful from a gameplay perspective. Most DnD stories involve a fair bit of travel and fights almost never happen on home turf. By comparison, Wizards get Spell Mastery at this level and can spam leveled spells. True Craft: Insanely broken, for all the reasons mentioned with Witchcraft but x8. I'd take a look at the subclasses, but this post is already very long and I feel like a lot of that will change when you have a chance to revise. I love the flavor of the class, and I think it has a lot of potential. However it does need a lot of polish. I think you should take a step back, look at Sorcerer, and then swap in Artificer features (like Spell-Storing item) for Sorcerer features without adding any new abilities at levels that normally don't get new ones. If you feel like you do not have enough places to squeeze in features, you can also make spell-storing tokens a mechanic unique to Ame's subclass instead of trying to squeeze in extra healing on top of it all.


Some spells seem to be missing from the spell list! Some of the newer, honestly better, summoning spells from Tasha's are not on the list, and I feel summon elemental and summon draconic spirit would be excellent additions. The class' single target spells are great, but Blight being exclusive to the coven of the wicked is a little mean. Also, Spellwarping Curse is not considered a retributive curse, which is odd! I'm going to be playing a 17th level witch tomorrow night, and I'm super psyched!!!

Chris Larsen

I am playing a level 7 Rune Knight Fighter Goliath named "Strongheart" who I have wanted to build/play as a more wisdom/nature version of a paladin. Coven of the Heart seems like a perfect multi class option so I just took a single level for level 8. As a multi class option, the tokens do seem to be very strong. Especially since they can be made per each short rest. With a PB of +3 (and +4 next level) so that currently gives me a full 5 spells with just the two spell slots. Maybe if it was one token per long rest it might feel less overpowered.


Amazing job & really good thoughtful depth to the class & mindful to those using magick. Been playtesting the witch for a few weeks and been DMing for 38 years; my Game Mechanics suggestions: Tokens - while I love by-5-or-more chance of ‘failure’, I think the tokens have too much potential for abuse, especially if we’re talking about 5 of them. One suggestion about what I presume was a omission/typo, and three simple lines of rules to add; A. All levels of tokens should be limited by the ‘spell that targets one or more creatures’ rule, and it should be further clarified to “explicitly states that it is TARGETing you or some other creature(s)”. [eg Enhance Ability clearly has a target & uses the word ‘target’; Augury does not]. 1. A creature other than you can only possess only one token at a time. 2. Each token must be imbued with/hold a different spell. 3. Tokens can expire if not used soon enough: they lose their magic either after 24 hours, or when the witch takes & completes their next long rest. The talisman rule about sacrificing a spell slot for a magic item is good, maybe even a little strong, but I really like it and the “crafting+labor = magic” flavor is super on-point, …reminds me of many different magical practices including what we see Vianne do in ‘Chocolat’, the Naomi Novik ‘Schoolomance’ books, and ‘Kiki’s delivery service’. Great work!


For the Coven of the claw it says you can make a Weapon attack or an unarmed strike as a bonus action against a cursed creature but I feel like it should also give you an actual die for your unarmed strikes. Like a 1d6 or something because you can't cast alter self and cast hunter's mark or most other curse spells because they're both concentration.


https://whatdoiknowjr.com/2023/12/18/what-do-i-know-about-first-impressions-worlds-beyond-number-witch-class-playtest-5e-srd/ It's later than I would have liked, but I finally got this done.

Gregg Simms

Has anybody tried creating this in DND Beyond through the homebrew creation? I tried using wizard, but there's some base class features that get in the way.


Going to let one of my players use this in a Planescape campaign I’m running. It goes from level 3 to level 10, and then jumps to level 17! I’m excited to see how this class plays at a high level. Also, the big level 10 fight will certainly be against someone who wronged her, so that gonna be good! The level 17 fight, not so much, but I’m still excited to see this class in action

Kat Caskey

Incredible. I love the art so much, too!!

Ambiguous_ ailouros

Do y’all think Hags could be cousins to the coven of the wicked? I’m in a campaign with a ‘grandma’ nightmare hag and reading this gives me some very helpful ideas!