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We know you're all waiting in anticipation for WWW Arc 2, but to fill that void in your heart, we've got a hefty slate of content coming out in September and October!

  • Sept. 12th: “A County Affair” Ep. 1 (public feed)
  • Sept. 14th: “Cram Daniel” Ep. 1 (Patreon exclusive)
  • Sept. 19th: “A County Affair” Ep. 1 Fireside (Patreon exclusive)
  • Sept. 26th: “A County Affair” Ep. 2 (public feed)
  • Sept. 28th: “Cram Daniel” Ep. 2 (Patreon exclusive)
  • Oct. 3rd: “A County Affair” Ep. 2 Fireside (Patreon exclusive)
  • Oct 10th: WWW Arc 1 Recap + Questions Fireside (public feed)
  • Oct. 11th: Wavebreaker and Telemet Art and Stat Blocks (Patreon Exclusive)
  • Early October: Witch Class Release (Patreon Exclusive)
  • Oct 17th: Sound Design Scoring Talkback (Patreon Exclusive)
  • Oct 19th: Level Up!!!
  • Oct 24th: WWW Arc 2 Premiere

If you haven't already, consider signing up for our Patreon at $5 a month to get access to all this sweet bone cone. We're super excited for the next few months, and we hope you are too!




if you ever make a comic book "Cram Daniel's grand annual" is right there


October 11 is my birthday!!!! I get presents on my birthday!!!!



Tammie Foster


Essie Ruth

I need it to be known that I wanted to like this post, but it would have made the 421st ❤️ so I couldn’t do it, so this is me liking it with a comment instead

Kevin Engelkamp

Great job y’all. It can be really deflating to see Patreon content go to the main feed, this is how to share that content and feed your most rabid fans. Thanks so Much!!


one day, maybe not too far away, there will be merch and I will be broke and happy.


I'm treating Schman Smamuel's as part of an extended birthday treat.

Cassi Dean

WWW Arc 2 in time for the spookiest of seasons with THIS level of sound design? God, I'm going to get nothing done. YEEEE.

Christie Joesbury

I forgot how funny A County Affair was and Brennan's husband screaming crime tips in his sleep.


Where do I listen to this? I a new human to this.


Also where do we listen in for the patreon specific feed? So sorry--I did read the FAQ and have poked around but am -2 on computer saving throws.


Hi Allison, which piece of content are you referring to? Today is Sept 12th, which means the first piece of content ("A County Affair") on this calendar has gone live on the public feed.


From the FAQ: —Once you've joined our patreon, make sure you're logged into Patreon, and go to patreon.com/worldsbeyondnumber —just under the title of the page, you'll see three headings that say HOME - ABOUT - MEMBERSHIP. —Click on MEMBERSHIP. —Scroll down a bit and you'll see a section that says "Listen on other podcast apps." —Click on the button labeled "Copy Link" and boom, ya got yr link. —Your podcatcher app should have a way to add RSS feeds. Just add that RSS feed address that you copied from Patreon into your podcatcher (if there's not an obviously marked spot, just paste it into the search bar, that'll usually do it). Boom. You're "in."


Is there any chance of a Cram Daniels crossover with Swag Daniels?

Krusty Bo Busty

Are all the previous episodes in chronological order on the patreon or is there something else I’m missing? I just joined and I’m very confused and i don’t know where to ask this question, i just finished the children’s adventure and the next three things listed are fireside chats, but I can’t find any explanation as to what those are? They don’t seem like the actual plot but people in the comments seemed to reference maybe spoilery things discussed in them? And then there’s nothing other than fireside chats until the public release of WWW ep 1, but looking at the comments it seems like people already knew about certain things that happened as if they’d already heard the episodes? I have NO clue what the order of these things are so my question is that, is chronological order correct or is there something I’m missing? (I don’t mind if they discuss future plot in the fireside chats I just want to make sure they’re not like recaps to episodes I haven’t heard)

Evilest Teapot

The continuing story of The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One is available on the public feed, which can be found on any app you would listen to a podcast. The "Fireside chats" are talkbacks for those episodes. More information on this can be found in the Q&A pinned to the WBN patreon. Hope this helps!

Uneducated & Enthused

I am itching for the Witch class release. I’m levelling up today for my next session in the upcoming week or two and I’m praying it releases before in case I need to change my plans


Any chance we'll get a fireside chat for Space Cram?


Given that we're more than halfway through october, are there any updates on the witch class? Obviously I'd love to see it have the time it needs to come out properly, but if there's been a delay it'd be nice to know given that I'm planning a oneshot around the class


they said on twitter it'll be released alongside the Level Up!