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Nothing ends. Everything begins.

And we...are just. getting. started ;)

We hope you have enjoyed this first chapter as much as we enjoyed making it. Which was just, so, so much. The Funky Bunch will return in October. But between now and then? Listen to me. Come closer. Listen: You are not ready. Soon we'll release a calendar of all the cool stuff coming out during the break, so, sleep in your clothes, keep a go bag by the door, trade all your Playstations 5s for precious metals and water-purifying straws, and STAY READY TO GO AT A MOMENTS NOTICE. This autumn, you will be with us in paradise.

This episode featured a song called The Rain Road, with music by Taylor Moore and lyrics by Taylor Moore and Brennan Mulligan. Look at us, like Hall and Oates over here!

We had wonderful help with the choral arrangement from composer and choir director Héctor Muñoz (available for hire!) and the Macraphona Choir: Camila Chaij (solo), Micaela Roldán Juan Leoni, and Nahuel Camargo


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We recommend listening to Worlds Beyond Number (and the Fireside Feed) on a "podcatching" app like Overcast or Pocket Casts. For more help getting the right audio in the right place, check out our friendly instruction guide.

We are

Brennan Lee Mulligan

Erika Ishii

Aabria Iyengar

Lou Wilson

Produced, designed, and scored by Taylor Moore at Fortunate Horse

Album art by the great Corey Brickley



Let's fucking goooooo! Suvi, the soldier, getting a big damn hero moment right from the start.


my podcatcher says it's #114 lol (so excited to listen tomorrow but it's past my bedtime)


Hey team? Hey team?!?! OW MY HEART!! It’s 12am here and I am bawling my eyes out listening!!! Beautiful and truly has me feeling like this is a work of real magic, my god

Patrick Massey

Omg not me crying over this episode 😭 I need to know all of the recording deets on that song


My god, the song???? You are all incredible

Gavin McDonald

Thanks fam for giving me such a beautiful community music and storytelling moment that I was openly weeping while I walked up Yonge St. (Probably the busiest street in Toronto). One of the few downsides to this medium is that you can't experience us giving you all an incredibly well-deserved standing ovation for the brilliant gift of this arc. Words for gratitude always feel too small written down, but thank you. Thank you.


That SONG is MAGIC 😭✨✨✨✨✨

Sarah Sutton

You guys. Stop. You can't do this shit to me WHILE I'M AT WORK!!!!! Fuck me.


The citadel triumphant theme becoming subservient to the folk song chorus was so cool

Erik Parsons

Brennan: can you reveal something of what might have occurred if Eursalon had not had quest fever and managed to wait for Steele?


Since the transcript isn’t out yet, does anyone know what the word or phrase is at 1:52:05 in the Suvi spellbook scene? It sounds like “dwi omer” but I know that’s not right, and idk what it means or how to find it without knowing at least how it’s spelled.


apparently its dweomer, which is used to describe a magical aura on an enchanted item


What an outstanding first arc!!! Will we get to see the group's character sheets at any point? Excited to check out the witch class!


I am perpetually worried about Brennan and company burning out, so as much as it sucks to have to wait a month for more stuff, I’m fully in support of whatever pace they feel they need to set so we can get delicious stories until…I mean preferably the heat death of the universe if possible, but I’ll accept a couple millennia if not.

Hex Sharpe



I'm so glad Aabria was able to voice all of our reactions to that cliffhanger. Can't wait for October to come!


Poor forgotten Ghost. 😢

Kyle Rudy

it's ok, all she has to do is talk to any cop. that'll go super well for her.

Jessie Harris

This was such an amazing episode, I loved it so much. I especially love the spell craft jargon that was introduced! Where did you get the inspiration for the kind of musical style presented? Are there any other bits about that you could share?


This story, this world, this characters all of it has inspired me so much to follow my urge to imagine and create. Thank you so much for making such an amazing story available for all of us patreons or not. Eagerly waiting for the IG Live and hoping to put your Duolingo skills to the test. Greetings from a fan in Mexico


When can we expect the transcript? I feel scared of spoilers at every turn and want to enjoy the live when it happens but the transcript is incredibly helpful for me and my wife.


Holy shit this episode had me bawling in all the best ways 😭💕

Matthew B

How you gonna play us like that Brennan? You make us cry with what are essentially grammar lessons and then you drop a monster cliffhanger? Evil little man indeed. I’m dying...I’m dead...I died.

Conor Steinke

it's like that Stallone movie where those people are mountain climbing


Y'all just.....This stole my breath over and over. I try to explain to people who aren't on this journey that some of the most awe-inspiring storytelling of the decade is happening through a role-playing game shared via podcast. Every character choice and narrative break and the incredible sound work from Taylor have come together to craft this incredible piece of art. The emotional rollercoaster I went on while listening tonight is indescribable. Thank you all so much


Please pass along to the transcription team that they are very appreciated in the work they're doing.


Omg I’m finally listening now and just burst into tears at the song 😭😭😭. Wow y’all wow. Just so incredible. Thank you so so much for sharing this with us.


Just finished listening. This episode made me cry twice at work. TWICE! Very thankful no one saw so I didn't have to explain why I was crying over make believe magical friendship. So excited for chapter 2, but also how DARE you make me wait after that cliff hanger ❤️


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Consequences Packing the journey with joy Even a dash helps

David Paterson

"My Dad." Oh you got me. You got a tear from me.