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The sword comes down but the Fireside Chat comes...OUT!? Thats right, here it is, the Fireside Feed's most famous chat show: Fireside Chat. This week on the show the gang (minus Lou, plus shy guest Thelonious Rigel) digs into the chaos and consequences of the interrogation, how many eps left in the arc, how fun it is to CUSS, and certain...decisions...of key party members, including "What would have happened if Lou had rolled worse." CRACKLE CRACKLE, Yonders!



Ginme gimme Gimme the ball because I'm gonna DUNKIT!

Erik Parsons

OMG. I have such a similar story to Brennan. I accidentally became a Scottish Waiter at a Chinese restaurant in Dayton Ohio.


The absolute bop at the end - thanks Taylor

Beignet Gesserit

To Brennan: hope you’re able to put out the fires and get sustainable soon! But also, kind of funny to witness the brainwaves created by utter exhaustiobasketbasketbasketball.


Forgive me if I’ve missed this, but are the three of them still level 1 characters?


Props to Taylor his audio engineering slaps. Keep up the good work.


Similar to Brennan's "funny" college story, "Ame's boat adventure" feels just as tragic as it is funny. It really personifies the theme about how witches walk both worlds yet are not truly a part of either. Ame rushes off from Suvi, her human companion, to follow quest fever with her Honoured Friend, Eursulon. Yet even after rushing away from Suvi, who kinda embodies empire and humanity, Ame finds herself unable to follow Eursulon because he goes a way only a spirit could. She finds herself stuck in a hilariously awkward, yet unbeknowingly tragic and dangerous, position. Suvi is left within her Empire walls, Eursulon is deep beneath the waves with his spirit brother Naram(?), but Ame is left with a stolen boat and a stolen cloak (and of course the fox too)


EDIT: I am a lawyer but not your lawyer Cops do need to mirandize you but only if you are subject to a custodial interrogation - so most of the time they just claim (and judges agree) that you aren’t in custody. The recent SCOTUS case was about there not being a civil remedy - so you can’t sue for them not mirandizing you. The point stands: we don’t talk to the cops! (But also if you do, don’t give them false info because they can charge you for that)


Also check your state laws because some states have enacted a statutory Miranda right - which means even if we do get a bad scotus case (ie abrogating Miranda) there may still be protections in your state. Colorado passed something recently, for example

Christie Joesbury

I love hearing about Erika's adventures with Taliesin. Why was Brennan parking cars as a 12 year old? Why didn't Brennan try to get paid for his solo group project? And it was depressing.


glorioius mustard brings to mind only perfect bacon

Nandi Kayyy

You all have blown my world open with the your imaginative storytelling. Glorious mustard, indeed


You definitely owe them $100. Maybe, to a charity for birding…


After Brennan said "Is FURIOUS that we're playing DnD" I opened the app to like that sentence. Then remembered that's not a thing you can do.


I needed this fireside chat! The episode was fun, funny, entertaining, and simultaneously deeply emotional and analogous to my current personal roller coaster. Distinct parts of me resonate with Aabria, Erika and Lou, and I'm always grateful for my 'Brennans' who catalyze and celebrate my ability to be my most authentic self. I thought my Dropout subscription was the best, but truly this Patreon is keeping me going ❤️


This episode doesn’t seem to be available on the RSS feed anymore? I’m not sure if it’s a problem with Overcast specifically or what might be going on, but so far it’s only episode 12 that’s having trouble.


Same for me! I tried re-adding the RSS feed, but that didn’t seem to do anything

Sky Rowan

I just wanna point out, if you have a clip board, you can walk into just about any restaurant kitchen in the country (USA). And you wouldn’t be questioned.

Sky Rowan

I have a VERY similar story to Brennan’s in that I went on a trip to Ireland and convinced all the other Americans I was indeed from Ireland and grew up there. And that this was my first time back since I was a child. (I was like 15… still a child) I was successful in convincing almost everyone. For what reason? There was none


It is always super powerful for me to listen to these chats and hear folks chatting, but especially for these last few episodes because Steel is an adult that made me want to never have children and to fuck everything up forever, and the gentling effect of distance is good because I love listening to this story and making things along to it so so much! Clarification: Steel is a caring adult in an uncaring society - the sort of person who doesn't do bad things, but who also is inherently untrustworthy. Childhood landed a bit heavy. We're working with it.


I would buy an Eurselon plushie AND a fox plushie as soon as they were released!

Hannah Costa

The end credit music really got me boppin this time


Is Lou just making sounds in the back of this episode?


Sleepy Brennan is hilarious if it wasnt so bad for your health Id totally want a recording after staying up for over 48 hours again