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Episode #8 "The Catch” is now available, wherever you get your podcasts!

Welcome to the apparatus. Have a cigar. Or maybe a matchstick. Want a drink of water? Some new clothes? No? What's the matter, you don't like it down here? Don't be silly. Lie down. Stay a while. We've got a lot of catching up to do. There ya go. That's the spirit.


Apple Podcasts



We recommend listening to Worlds Beyond Number (and the Fireside Feed) on a "podcatching" app like Overcast or Pocket Casts. For more help getting the right audio in the right place, check out our friendly instruction guide.

We are

Brennan Lee Mulligan

Erika Ishii

Aabria Iyengar

Lou Wilson

Produced, designed, and scored by Taylor Moore at Fortunate Horse

Album art by the great Corey Brickley

Transcript Attached



Hot damn! The soundwork at the end! Well worth the wait! (Also Brennan's descriptions and story!)


Also the title choice! *Chef's Kiss* Ok, ok I'll stop gushing for now... for now....

Sarah Lunow

Oh wow, the sound design just gets better and better. Also thank the gods that Eursulon got away right away I was going to have a heart attack


Could we get the stat blocks of the magic items we see this episode?


The footstep effects were killing me this episode

Anthony G

Wow wow wow


ahhhhh how am I supposed to wait two weeks for the next one!!!


Oh damn. Just finished the episode, so amazing! Probably some of the best sound design of any of the episodes so far, except maybe when the dark visitor came to Ame

All Pulp! No Juice!

Where do we post questions for the fireside chat for this ep? Here?


Hi thank you for this amazing show I love it a lot thanks


Sound design so dope!


The description of Ame’s nausea and the awesome sound design of the scene where they were headed up to the apparatus made me so uneasy I genuinely got nauseous. This is a sincere compliment, I love when a story is so good it actually physically fucks me up


I’m not okay in the best way, and also wtf?!?!?! WHAT DID YOU CATCH?!???! WHAT IS THE CATCH?!!?!?! I’m fine.

Quinn Ryall

Pain's explanation of what happened in his study is one of the funniest things that has happened so far on the pod 😂


Loved the episode! Couple of times where sound effects were so high in the mix it made it difficult to hear dialogue, though.


Someone even worse at lies and cover stories than the party.

Trey Lord

My favorite thing about 4e was they handwaved away sizes of magical items. Any magic item you found would become the correct size for you after attunement. But Eursulon ripping jackets is certainly funnier


The effects of the magical items for players to gain attunement was something I had never thought of incorporating and felt inspired. It might just be flavor for the effects of the items, but it made the magic feels SO much more real and tangible with that bit of added detail. 10/10 going to use this for my own home game. Also, the role play and sound design for this episode was so good I found myself holding my breath multiple time, 😁.


These past two weeks waiting for this episode has been painful! It kept me super excited for WWW Tuesdays, constantly wondering if this character is gonna get blasted by a level 5 lightning bolt 😂. I do wish they could come more often, or have a bit more length to them though. I'll take what I can get, and this show has me enthralled more than any other out there, but an hour and a half biweekly always leaves me wanting more. Y'all are truly masters of storytelling.


It's great because it means the items have... consequences!



Sarah Sutton

I have so much anxiety thinking about next episode opening with Eursulon having a full righteous meltdown while on a 30x30 metal platform 160 feet in the air!


The perfect platform to shove a mad mage off from down into the very spirit that is being trapped.

Sarah Sutton

Also, can someone please help me out with an illustration of a giant bioluminescent lionfish sea cucumber nautilus thing?

Callum McAlpine

Erika is going to have a lot of fun with jacked

Riley Crowder

I am so excited for the next episode where Ame and Suuvie get in a massive fight about what the discovered and what to do about it.


Erika/Ame gave me major Buff Shaggy vibes! Loved the attunement of the rings and that whole sickness mechanic as well


Ok first of all the sound design on this episode is incredible and THE CLIFFHANGER MAH GAWD!


I would just like to say fuck lionfish but also fuck the empire


As someone with ADHD it’s really funny to me that the Scout’s ring is just magical Adderall


Goosebumps !!!!!!!


I remembered thinking that and i was hoping they'd play it up like "This new power... i feel... like playing Stardew Valley for 12 hours..."


Uh, what is the wizard equivalent of "the dwarves dug too deep"? Like the wizards magic-ed too hard? Whatever it is, it applies here!

Mike Garcia

I without question, love the main show more than any other podcast I listen to but I honestly look forward to hearing fireside chats... More somehow. ♥️


Wow! Fantastic episode! Taylor did such an amazing job in the last half-hour with scoring and sound effects, it really felt like I was transported there. Gave me chills!

Jack Malizia

Oh yes we are into the Taylor Moore editing out announced rolls to make the audio combat flow smoother parts of the show, let’s go

Strange Universe

"Do you really want to see a fox with abs?" All the furries... >.> <.<


Anyone else getting Episode 7 in their podcast app, even though all the meta data (duration, name, etc) is for Ep 8?


I was hanging on every single word for that last scene, my goodness


I'm 5 minutes into it and DAMN Taylor, the sound mixing and design is amazing!!! The SFX for the spells great and so many more cool adjectives I can't think about right now. Your production is truly one of the best I've listened to in quite some time, congrats on such great job.


Thank you so much! The reception to the ep has been terrific. All I can say is: there’s more where that came from ;)


“And then I cast magic missile on myself because I was frightened” thanks for this episode, needed it.


I was wondering why the episode took a bit longer to air but anyone who's listened to the last 20 minutes knows why. Massive kudos to the team for making *that* scene so incredible

Jack Malizia

Listened to the ending as I was parked meat a church at 11:00, bells were tolling as Suvi said “what have you done” chills

Finnen Cerises

All of these mages in port talon are the worst. They're BAD. Dumb. And I love them completely. I wish nothing but the best for these terrible men.


We all know who/what Maro & those mages caught, right? And the reason the kudzoo is growing one could say angrily. 😯


If anyone has drawn an interpretation of the *spoiler* at the end of the episode, please link me to it!

R. Wesley Nipper

The sound design on this episode was *chilling*. Reminded me (I guess for obvious reasons) of playing Dishonored, just the incredible, nautical, industrial, cosmic unease. LOVE IT.


I know it was a longer episode than usual so I understand the delay but fingers crossed we get the transcript soon.


Summoning an Avanc, eh?


Shout out to the 2 crew on the first attack on the Fox honestly

Nathaniel Levy

U know Pain is just doing wizard pushups w Finley somewhere


Mercy is the edge Tilting your feet over air Will the warm wind rise