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[UPDATE 2:30pm ESt 3/30/23 Patreon says this has been fixed! If you're still experiencing issues, try the old standbys of quitting and restarting your browser, logging out then logging back in, or deleting and resubscribing to your RSS feed. If that doesnt work, I'm sorry but you've been a ghost the whole time. Move on and let go.Thanks for your patience everyone!] 

Good (est) Morning to you all! I’m sincerely sorry that I can’t respond to each message individually but this morning we’ve been hearing from several of our proud cadre (C’est tu!) that Patreon is not working for them. Obviously this is Bad™️. We’ve reached out to our folks at Patreon (whom we adore, they are perfect beauties), they’ve confirmed it’s a wider issue, and they’re working on it now.

I have pleaded with the Fates and Furies, and if the good lord’s willing and the creek don’t rise, everything should return to normal, wonderful, exquisite normal, soon. Thank you for letting us know so kindly about the issue, and thank you for your patience while we sort it out!  -taylor

In the meantime here is a playlist I made for you to pass the time until it’s fixed:


Here’s me and the gang at Patreon gettin ready to dig in and fix that feed.

UPDATE: patreon engineering has found the issue and is building a fix right now, as me and the fellas get EVEN sweatier as we share our one electric chainsaw.


Trey Lord

I’m a pretty good Lord I think and I am willing so it should be good soon.


We even have a playlist for our trouble ? Damn we are treated right, i feel like a princess


I just wanted to say thanks for including my favorite Shins song on your playlist

Emily Rainbow Spence

In ‘98, I went to Montreal to see Beastie Boys at The Molson Center. Tribe was supposed to open for them but canceled and Biz Markie came instead - he sang Benny & the Jets. Thanks for the nostalgia trigger.


thank you for letting us know!! we all value transparency a lot!


there is someone pretending to be you on youtube please be aware! look yorsef up on youtube!


The Naming of Things is the last thing I see on my list. Has mine been fixed or am I missing something?


Hey April! If you're still having trouble with your feed anywhere, it's probably an issue on your end. Check out the troubleshooting tips in our Instruction Manual pinned on the front page of our Patreon.That should get you sorted. Hope that helps! -T


I cant really know that without being able to see your feed or your podcatching app. But if you think you're missing something, def check out the trouble shooting tips in the Instruction Manual. -t


I think what they are asking, what should be at the top of the feed? The latest episode I'm assuming for them is the naming of things. Should there be more after that episode right now


Will the main feed episodes ever be uploaded to Patreon? I can't imagine not having a streamlined place for all episodes as the show goes on, not a fan of the Spotify ads mid-episode about patreon when I'm already on Patreon for 5$ as well as spotify premium.


Genuinely an enjoyable playlist, thank you


I just deleted and re-added my patreon link to Overcast and the fireside chat for The Naming of Things is my latest. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anthony G

Congratulations, Brennan!!!


Playing this playlist at work today!


Am I crazy or is my feed missing episode 1? I have listened to all 3 preludes and the 8 subsequent children’s adventures. Then I see 2 Fireside chats but… there is no episode 1. Has episode 1 dropped or am I jumping the gun???


Episode 1 isn't in the patreon feed. You'll need to subscribe to the main Worlds Beyond Number feed in your podcatcher app.


I've tried both Pocket Cast and Podcast Addict. My other subscription podcasts are working there. I only have 16 episodes (The Children's Adventure, Fireside Chats and the Previews, none of them are Episode 1 or 2. I thought it was just me.


It is a separate podcast feed. There is "Worlds Beyond Number: Fireside" which is the patreon feed (16 episodes of patreon content on it) and "Worlds Beyond Number" which is the public feed, that everyone can see, which has a prelude and eps 1 - 4 on it.


Omg thanks for the comment. I just thought they were taking a break. Now I know I have a bunch of episodes I can listen to!

Katie Wilde

I've refreshed in every way possible I can think of, and still can't get anything loaded here beyond April 18. Checked my payments, all solid. Is there supposed to be an episode today, either campaign or fireside? What am I missing? Everything naddpod is updating fine but I was looking forward to something dropping today since I thought Monday was the day. Any help appreciated, cause so far I'm left to conclude that I'm a ghost and need to move on :/