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Early in January 2023, the cast and crew of Worlds Beyond Number gathered to record what was to be a public "Welcome" message for the main podcast feed, to explain Worlds Beyond Number for newcomers and fans alike. Instead: the cast dropped all artifice and immediately transformed into disgusting gremlins who did not produce one SINGLE MINUTE of audio that we could ever...ever...show to the public. But comrades. This is not the public. THIS is the Fireside. Hail, and well met.

We kindly ask that you

1) Please not share this with the public, either in whole or as excerpts. This is for you and your fellow patrons alone.

2) The cast gets a LOT of details wrong about our release schedule for the next few weeks. Repeatedly. Please don't make any financial or scheduling decisions based on their confused and rotten counsel.

Don't worry too much about the upcoming release schedule. Here's the gist: every week you're gonna hear some previews, and then on March 1, the main show starts for the public and you get the Children's Adventure here. It's gonna be great, don't worry about it too much. And then after that? Ooh doggie, you're in for a good time. We are truly glad to have you here by the Fireside. Skooch in.




Disgusting gremlins is right! Made me feel right at home. 😊💜


I shan't worry too much about how excited I am for this.

Chris Neal


Joshua Vern

I'm so glad Brennan came from Mexico to record this podcast


Definitely not what a Jheri curl is, but Superman was created by a dude named Jerry so his little curl still technically be a Jerry curl 😂

Megan Blackburn

“STOP SAYING MEXICAN GENTLEMAN” and “HAS EVERYONE BEEN IN A BATHTUB WITH BRENNAN BUT ME???” Have both already killed me, I can’t imagine surviving the rest of this


Ooh looking forward to whatever Aabria's cyberpunk bunnies and burrows becomes wherever that happens


Brendan and Lou are like peas & carrots


I love that the needle drop wasn’t any of the songs mentioned lol lol

Jen Johnson

I am so happy to be here! I aspire to guest star on an episode. Lol


Me: This is great, I'm going to listen to this while I work! Narrator Voice: They did not, in fact, get any work done.

Wesley Jones

Four of the most charismatic, creative, and c-hilarious people on the internet sitting in a room together. So excited for this journey.

Wesley Jones

Also, I can't think of a better group to try and recreate the *feeling* of a Ghibli movie.


Thank you all, so much.




I’m wondering how Brennan will be integrated later, if the three of them have characters so we’ll established in the Children’s Story…


Oh I am listening to this after the most recent D20 teaser came out and am very much wondering if the “cyber punk watership down” is related to the new teaserrrrrrrr hmm


You've done it. This is what the inside of my ADHD brain sounds like. This whole episode. 🤣🤣🤣😘


If they all love each other and play ttrpgs together, is it called a polyhedral-cule? 🤔


Honestly Brennan thinking a halter top is like a crop top because it 'halts' is the funniest thing


So mermaid pool party campaign next yeah?


Listening to this on headphones, it feels like I’m able to overhear other people’s imps of the perverse, to which my own imp applauds wildly. And that top shelf sincerity? Yes. Starting my binge session now.


Every time Brennan puts on his alternate personality voice, I can’t help. It think about peanut butter in pipes.


Hearing Brennan scream “STOP SAYING MEXICAN GENTLEMAN!!!” TWICE, less than 5 minutes in - cannot wait for more of this

Dillan Lyons

I know it will (hopefully) be quite a long time til this game is wrapping up and a new one begins but a suggestion for a TTRPG other than D&D would be "Stars Without Number" its a space/sci-fi setting that could be different than the high fantasy of most people's TTRPG experiences.


Wind, sincerity and lemon in AO3.

Gavin McDonald

Perfect. Nailed it. I have no notes.




It took me 2 months to get here but I realised I love you all so much it's foolish for me to not be. This is the most perfect intro I have ever heard.


I’m in the same boat. This is so good. I can’t wait to hear the rest.

Julia Krystosek

I have scrolled all the way down to this post after finally listening to this on my podcast feed and I came here specifically to say that I understood the lemon reference and I laughed so hard.


I joined this episode late even though I was the one blasting it from my car (you're welcome.) I appreciate all the fresh starts, some of us dissociate in traffic so it's nice to be welcomed back every time. Also Brennan as the token white boy saying "hootenanny" was everything. Thank you.


I actually was subscribed since day one, but only now have the time to listen to all that's happened. I am not disappointed thus far, these four are hilarious without even trying


Literally calling me out as I was listening to this Fireside Chat on my way home from work (AND on the 5 nonetheless!!!) in rush hour traffic 🥲 (But note that I do prefer headphones for the campaign eps if possible because the sound quality, audio mixing, and the score is incredible!) Everything has been absolutely incredible so far, and to say I’m emotionally invested is an understatement! Thank you for taking the time, no matter how long it took, to create and share this project with the world ❤️


This is completely unhinged 35 mins in and I love it so much already.


Wtf is the moth?! 🤣




Wow i love this team, love the energy and the full transparency, it feels so natural. Love it, love you \o/ Now my dream is to have a anime adaptation in 2-3 years, just because... Yes


I feel like I should mention that the next button doesn't work on the patreon app...


Brennan: "I don't know what 'Spicy lemon on AO3' means." Erika and Aabria: "You know what to do! GET IN THE COMMENTS!"


listening back to this after burrow's end and hearing aabria panic abt the "cyberpunk watership down" erika was talking about is sendinggggg me lol

Gabrielle King

Joined today - happy to be here! ❤️


The chaotic first 7 minutes that they Definitely thought they were gonna cut and Didn’t got me instantly hooked i’m so excited to listen to the rest of this podcast


Taylor is funnier than the yellow m&m