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Our deliberations begin. You're probably wondering why I've called you all here today. Or maybe you're not. Maybe you already know. How could anyone tell with that mask on your face? Let's do it again, but this time: with stakes, a bird on my shoulder, my breath on your neck. Take a break, sure, but then, (if it is the right thing to do, and only then): have at me.

Catch the public feed to hear the episode with these links, or anywhere you get your podcasts:


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We recommend listening to Worlds Beyond Number (and the Fireside Feed) on a "podcatching" app like Overcast or Pocket Casts. For more help getting the right audio in the right place, check out our friendly instruction guide.

We are

Brennan Lee Mulligan

Erika Ishii

Aabria Iyengar

Lou Wilson

Produced, designed, and scored by Taylor Moore  at Fortunate Horse with exquisite design and editing help from Jared Olson.

SPECIAL THANKS TO: Tazer Army, Shannon, and Amanda Freberg.

Album art by the great Corey Brickley


Kara Vaughn

My kingdom to have been able to see Brennan's face at the end!!

Hilary Willett

So good!! I love this show so much! Does anyone else get Jadis/White Witch (Narnia) vibes from Indri? I remember first reading about Jadis and the city of Charn as a child and getting similar "ooh, she's evil" shivers.

Ashley Teatum

Oh my God I am SO FRUSTRATED for Ame during this conclave. This is great. (35 min. in)

Bree Manahan

That incredible ending aside; why was Grimore scared?? WHY WAS SHE SCARED?!?