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The surviving members of the Coven of Elders gather in the Palace of the Wind and Stars for their conclave. Meanwhile, the gang says goodbye to a horse.

Catch the public feed to hear the episode with these links, or anywhere you get your podcasts:


Apple Podcasts


YouTube (in a few days)

We recommend listening to Worlds Beyond Number (and the Fireside Feed) on a "podcatching" app like Overcast or Pocket Casts. For more help getting the right audio in the right place, check out our friendly instruction guide.

We are

Brennan Lee Mulligan

Erika Ishii

Aabria Iyengar

Lou Wilson

Produced, designed, and scored by Taylor Moore  at Fortunate Horse with exquisite design and editing help from Jared Olson.

SPECIAL THANKS TO: Tazer Army, Shannon, and Amanda Freberg.

Album art by the great Corey Brickley



Transcript soon? 🥺

Theo Blair

Ah man! I flipping knew that ending was coming! THAT A BOY LOU!

Caleb Jinright

just now catching up and have to admit that when brennen read out the mechanical information for the shield, my first thought was “ah, he patched Swirlwarden”

Ashley Teatum

OK re-listening and Suvi's roll to enter the star library. SO specific the "nobody is following you" to her 15 to detect magic or see if there are eyes on her. Phew.