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Knock knock. Who's There? Why, the Fireside Chat for ep24, the start of Chapter 3, ya ding dong! Ya dang ding dong! The gang assembles via zoom from all over da world to talk about how reasonable and safe Steel is being right now. SUPER low key and chill, Steel. SUUUPER low key and chill.



Emma Runswick

15-17 minutes makes me think of the English folk songs Captain Cried All Hands https://mainlynorfolk.info/martin.carthy/songs/ourcaptaincriedallhands.html And Steeleye Span's masterful use of its lyric 🎵What makes you go abroad fighting for strangers? When you could be safe at home free from all dangers?🎵 In their anti war song Fighting for Strangers


For team snacks~☆ A baklava Haiku: Golden layers dance, Honeyed whispers on my lips, Keto dreams take flight. Once upon a time glitter dated a vegan lass with coeliac, and learned the ways of P O T A T O baklava. With ghee. That is all. Recipe upon request. 😋 as hobbits do~☆