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The same couldn't be said for Henry. Although his body would be the same, of that 11 years old boy, his mind wouldn't be. He would be mentally older. But that was the sacrifice he was willing to make. He stared at the snow white egg in his hands. It was big enough that he had to hold it with two hands.

[Familiar Egg:

– An egg which will give the user a strong familiar pet.

Note: Drop a few drops of blood on the egg to make it hatch.]

Henry smiled softly. He was alone in this strange new world. But maybe this would make him less lonely.

He discreetly went to the kitchen and grabbed a kitchen knife before teleporting back to his room.

He could hear muffled arguments from one direction. He knew that not everyone was happy bringing him here.

Shacklebolt and Moody particularly were wary of him and distrusted him after they saw how easily he killed the Death Eaters.

He returned his attention back to the egg. He sliced his palm and let a few drops of blood drip down on the egg. The cut on his palm vanished instantly. His healing factor was just that powerful.

He put the egg on the bed as he felt something moving underneath the shell. He stood close and stared as cracks formed on the white shell. A second later, the top part of the egg crumbled and a white gooey substance poured out from it.

Henry looked on with intrigue as the white jelly-like substance formed into a ball.

He was surprised to see the sphere of white morphing aggressively into something. Few seconds later, there was a very cute white kitten with golden eyes staring at him.

"Mew!" it purred, jumping at him. Henry caught it as the kitten snuggled into his arms.

Name: ?

Race: Shapeshifters

Current form: Cat

Lvl: 1

HP: 20

Affection: 100

Obedience: 100

Shapeshifters are mythological beings which can morph into any sentient thing. Though they do have one original form. Like this Shapeshifter has a cat as her original form. Also, when they are at their prime they can morph into far larger and powerful beasts.

"Her?" Henry asked as Isis educated him on Shapeshifters.

[Yes, it is she. Now give her a name.]

The cat looked at him with wide golden eyes as if waiting to be named.

"Aura. You will be my Aura." Henry smiled scratching the back of Aura who purred joyfully. He hugged her close and let a few tears fall from his eyes.

He wasn't alone anymore.


Henry laid on the bed with Aura snuggled to his side, sleeping silently.

He opened his character stat.

[Character Sheet]

[Name: Harry Potter

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 170(0%)

HP: 8500 (10 per second)

MP: 17000 (100 per second) ]





[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[Observe] (Active)

[Peak Body] (Passive)

[Skill Create] (Active)

[Teleportation] (Active)

[Inventory] (Active)

[Increased HP regeneration] (Passive)

[Killer] (Active)

[Increased MP regeneration] (Passive)

[Unlimited Money] (Active)


[Ray of Light]

[Death Arrow]





[Energy Shield]

He sighed. He had to do it.

'Isis, change my class to Necromancer.'

[Are you sure?]


[Class сhanged successfully!]

Henry suddenly felt too lethargic. His HPs and MPs lowered considerably. He felt his strength and magic leave him. He again opened his character stat.

[Character Sheet]

[Name: Henry Potter

Race: Human

Class: Necromancer

Lvl: 10(0%)

HP: 500 (10 per second)

MP: 1000 (100 per second) ]





[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[Observe] (Active)

[Peak Body] (Passive)

[Skill Create] (Active)

[Teleportation] (Active)

[Inventory] (Active)

[Increased HP regeneration] (Passive)

[Killer] (Active)

[Increased MP regeneration] (Passive)

[Unlimited Money] (Active)

He had mixed feelings seeing his stats. On one hand, he still had his overpowered perks, but on other hand all his 7 skills, which would have been very useful in combat, had vanished.

[No, your skills haven't vanished. They are just locked with [Mage] Class. Now you again have 20 free slots for skills. Every class will have their own 20 skills. Did you see your name?]

'Why? Wai- why 'Henry'? My name is Harry. I am going by Henry just so others don't get confused.'

[No, now you are Henry Potter. You are a Necromancer from now on in this world. A whole new character. I suggest you remember that a new Class means a new character with its own skills. I decided to change your name to make you remember this little detail. ]

[Also, have this.]


– Make 5 new skills.


– 1000 XP

– Perk [Shapeshifter]

From now on whenever you choose a new Class, your first quest will always be to create five skills related to that Class. And no, you don't have to wait for 6 months for this quest to make one skill. Your first five skills will always be free and without the limitation of waiting for six months. But after that five you will have to wait half a year to use [Create Skill] once again.]

Harry couldn't help, but give a soft chuckle. This wasn't looking so bad now.


"Are you really sure about keeping that boy here?" Shacklebolt asked tartly. Currently the members of the Order of Phoenix were sitting together around the table.

"Yes. I am." Dumbledore answered with surety.

"You weren't there, Dumbledore. But we were. We saw that young boy fly without a broom and skewer every Death Eater with arrows. Without a flinch, dammit. Without a single second of reluctance. He just killed them like he was used to killing. He is an experienced killer. Are you sure about keeping a killer in this house where he could harm anyone?" Shacklebolt protested loudly.

Before Dumbledore could answer, Sirius snapped angrily.


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