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Voldemort walked away towards the other side where Salazar's statue stood. Harry followed him cautiously, under the watchful eyes of the snake guards that rose through the two pools on either side of the path.

"Will I be wrong to think that this is your handiwork?" Voldemort smiled mirthlessly when he stopped by the pile of scales and flesh.

"You won't. It was a pleasure to kill this beast." Harry gave a matching smile, taking out his Black Sword through the Inventory.

Voldemort's eyes widened for a second at the sudden growth of his student's strength. "That is some nice sword."

"It is. Just how I like it. Long and Black."

The man's lips twitched at the unintentional double entendre. "I didn't know you were into swords, little one. Especially black ones."

"What boy doesn't like a sword? And this black sword looks way cooler and stronger than the other generic ones." Harry was genuinely confused by the Dark Lord's apparent amusement. 

Then his face turned red as a tomato when he realised how his words could be taken in a different way. "Pervert Dark Lord, take out your mind from the gutter and face me like a man."

"Haha. Me, a pervert? I was not the one who saw himself surrounded by thousands of women in the mirror of desire." Voldemort retorted.

"Enough. We are here to fight. Not to talk." Harry scowled, tightening his grip on the hilt of the sword and activating [Master of Weapon] and [Predict] skills.

"Yes. We are here to fight so I can see how much you have grown. But how can I do that when you use a magical crutch like an enchanted sword? Put that sword back and use your own power. Or are you a weak pathetic kid who is nothing without the sword?" Voldemort frowned, taking out his wand and pointing it at him. 

"Use your wand, boy, you are not a muggle."

Harry pondered his words and knew that this was just an excuse, that the Dark Lord was intimidated by the sword. A seed of fear had grown inside the vile heart of his enemy. His lips spread in a victorious smile. He put his sword back in the Inventory, aware of the curious gaze of Voldemort.

"Fine. Don't be scared. I won't poke you with my overpowered sword. I don't need it to fight an insect like you." Harry smirked, wrapping his fingers around his Holly wand.

The Dark Lord glowered at him and sent a piercing hex at him. "Arrogance, little one, is the privilege only the strongest have. Like me. You are too weak and inexperienced to claim it."

Harry simply conjured a shield to absorb the spell and said, "Out of us two, I am the stronger one. I know it. Let's bet, if I win this match, you will answer my questions truthfully. And if you win, I will answer your questions honestly."

"As you wish, little Potter. I am not here to kill you and don't want to. On the other hand, you want to kill me, but can't. The least we can do is satiate our curiosity. Let's begin." grinned Voldemort, spreading his arms.

The water from the two pools far away, rose up in the air and formed a big hovering globe. Then that giant globe shot towards Harry at an enormous speed.

With his [Predict] on, Harry already knew what was coming. Still facing his adversary, he pointed his left hand behind him and said out loud. "Ray of Darkness."

A black jet of light left his palm and pierced through the water ball in an instant. The globe exploded, vaporising with a loud hissing sound.

[Ray of Darkness]

[– Black jet of shadows which deals massive damage. Requires 2000 MPs to deal 4000 HPs damage.]

"My, my, you sure are a bag of surprises, Harry. First, you have the power to use dimensional space and now you have the power to command shadows. That too wandlessly. Colour me impressed. You really are worthy to become my student."

"Power to command shadows? Hmm, how about I show you another trick?" Harry smiled slyly.

"Be my guest."

Harry pointed his finger at him and said softly, "Shadowbind."

Voldemort stiffened as his ability to move was taken away.

A blink of an eye later, Harry stood before him with his sword back in his hand. The blade was pointed at Voldemort's throat. "Yield?"

The strongest wizard on the planet couldn't do anything when the twelve year old boy prodded his neck with his sword. He tried to apparate away, but it seemed this 'shadowbind' negated that.

"Yield." The dark lord reluctantly nodded, taken aback by the boy's speed and skills.


– Survive the challenge.


REWARD: Gained

– 3000 XP

– Perk [?]

Perk gained:


– You are allowed and welcomed everywhere. No doors or gates could stop your entry. You are unbarred. ]

Harry chuckled darkly, surprising his enemy. This perk right here again showed the farsightedness of the Creator.

'No doors and no gates? Meaning, now, I can walk through even the unbreachable gate of Creator's castle, where Voldemort and his wife are holed up. Now I have the right to challenge my enemy whenever I want.'

Honestly, there wouldn't have been the need for that if his plan had worked out.

He had thought that when Voldemort would come for the challenge, Harry would defeat him utterly and would enslave his soul since he had the powers of the Necromancer combined with the skills of the Fighter. 

With the male Voldemort controlled by him, he wouldn't have the need to challenge the female Voldemort. After all, the only way she could have been freed from the castle and pose a threat to him was by killing the Dark Lord herself.


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