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However, certain amounts of blood are needed. Over time a Pure blood could heal a wound without losing their life, but Prime nor I cared about waiting.

Zeldris rushed toward us as he pointed his sword toward my head. Hoping to skewer me. However, even with his insane speed. A vampire can drain blood fast. In this case, I'm a blood dragon that can control blood. So, the speed was almost instant.

To make matters worse, for Zeldris it wasn't I that killed Gelda. A vampire can always be revived with blood as long as a few things are intact. The heart or the head stays attached.

Right before he reached us, I adjusted the position of Gelda causing Zeldris's blade to stab the one he loves in the heart. She could only weakly touch his cheek as he looked in shock at what he had done.

Grabbing onto Gelda as he collapsed to the ground with her in his arms.

"It's okay, I'm just glad I got to see you, one last time."

After those final words, she turned to dust as Zeldris started crying, grasping at the dust.

'I take it back. You're just as heartless. This is priceless. Hahaha'

"Wow, that must hurt. I was just going to drain her blood. She could have been brought back."

Zeldris turned to me as his Demon Mark grew on his forehead. However, he did nothing as he looked up at me with tears in his eyes. Like he gave up on life.

"You're a monster."

"We know."

"Just kill me, I'm done, do what you want."

Meliodas was watching his brother give up after seeing the love of his life killed in front of his eyes. He looked over at Elizabeth as their eyes met. They both knew this was the end. Prime and I were just too strong for them.

"I'll always love you. I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise."

Elizabeth's eyes drifted to Prime and me before she spoke and turned back to Meliodas.

"I forgive you."

Meliodas frowned as he noticed she didn't say she loved him back. He knew it was because she let him go and it would only hurt more if she answered her feelings. Or said the words in her heart.

So, it was better to let him go with little words spoken to him.

"Prime, can you grant me one thing before killing me?"

"I know what you want. However, I want to hear you say it. What do you want?"

"Please, make Elizabeth happy. Take care of her."

Prime started laughing at hearing Meliodas' words. As essentially the love of his life is going to be in the hands of another man and one that tortured her for centuries.

"This is perfect. A better performance than I could have imagined. However, I'll grant your wish. I'll make her really happy." 

Meliodas scowled at Prime's words but said nothing as he kneeled in front of us.

The circle below started glowing as all the people the circle targeted had given up or perished. The blood that was in the circle shot up and started wrapping Meliodas, Zeldris, Gloxina, and Drole. While I opened up a hole below Gowther and Hawk in the cage.

Hawk screamed as he fell while Gowther had a stoic look. The magic circle wrapped Gowther in blood. However, left Hawk alone.

"What do you plan on doing with us?" Meliodas asked, not fighting his bindings.

"I'm opening a gate. One to Purgatory," I answered as I had Hawk float in front of me.

Hawk was shaking in fear, not knowing what to do. As he knew he couldn't escape. Whimpers escape his body and tears stream down his face.

"You're going after our father. His main body is there. So, it makes sense."


Grabbing Hawk's head roughly. I stared into his eyes. Seeing the swirling blackness that hid behind. As I saw the large form of another staring back. Once they noticed me looking, they quickly tried escaping.

"You can run, but it will do you no good. This spell seeks you out wherever you are."

As if I was plucking someone's eye out, I reached my index and thumb into Hawk's eyes. Everyone in the cage besides Elizabeth yelled for me to stop.

Hawk screamed in pain as slowly I pulled my fingers out a black viscous liquid-like substance following my fingers. Eventually, the liquid snapped out of Hawk's eye as I solidified into a ball.

Hawk was almost unconscious from the pain, but they were alive. So, I swiped him away, sending him to the invisible wall. At a speed that would have crushed his body. However, the wall never formed as he kept flying away into a forest that was off into the distance.

"He was no longer needed and killing him would not benefit us."

Looking closely at the ball that came from Hawk's eye, you can see what was on the inside a dark desolate place. That the very air would poison any who entered.

Tossing the ball into the center of the circle, my wings popped out of my back as I ascended into the sky. Where I once stood was a small black hole that slowly expanded. Stopping inches before reaching any of my sacrifices.

The circle glowed as the ones held by it started screaming in pain. Even Gowther was not immune to the damage.

Zeldris and Meliodas' bodies started to melt and go into the black hole. Soon their screams were no longer a part of the symphony that was the sacrifices.

The blood of Zeldris and Meliodas went into the portal searching for their father. I was using his own bloodline against him. Nothing he could do would stop his own blood.

While this was happening the other sacrifices went quiet as their bodies turned into a mass of darkness that held commandments.


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