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"Is this your first time?" a delicate-looking blonde boy in a silver uniform said next to me. From the school insignia on his chest and slight French accent I could conclude that he was from Beauxbatons.

Not surprising since some wizarding children chose to study abroad.

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Well there's no need to worry, it's not that hard," he said with a smile showing his full teeth before sticking out his hand, "I'm Luis Gardner."

"Charles Bell," I introduced myself, shaking his hand, "If I'm not mistaken, you're last year's winner, correct?"

"Haha, you have a good eye," he praised while puffing his chest.

"Hmm, the only reason he won was because I decided not to enter," an arrogant sounding girl in red declared helping herself to the other seat next to me.

Luis didn't look offended, rather his smile grew wider, "Ah my lovely Claire, I missed you in last year's competition. I thought I would die from not seeing your beautiful face for an entire year."

Claire as she was introduced rolled her eyes at his antics before turning a scrutinizing eye at me, "Hogwart's huh? That wimpy school that doesn't even teach students how to fight properly."

Well she's not wrong.

Before I could say anything Luis butted in, "Don't mind her, she's from Durmstrang, her sense of humor died in the cold long ago."

I shrugged, "It's kind of true though, that's why I entered the tournament, to get some real experience."

Any further talk was halted as the first match started.



"I'm glad that you could make it," Flitwick greeted his friend.

"It's a given since it's your student we're talking about. I'm curious to see what you taught him," the older looking gentleman said, taking a seat next to him. In reality, he was there to collect data on Charles' abilities.

Looking down at the stage he could see the boy in question talking amicably with the other competitors.



Walking up to the stage I took a moment to observe my opponent.

[Rory Buchanan LV 63]

That was around the average level for fifth year students.

After conquering London my level had risen to 50. Though just because he was a higher level didn't necessarily mean he was stronger as I had proven countless times before.

We bowed to each other and held out wands at the ready waiting for the referee to give the signal.


I had no intention of showing any mercy as I sent a stunner at the boy's chest. The speed and power behind my spells were several degrees stronger than normal thanks to all the passive skills that combined together.

The result was that the boy was launched backwards with such force that he ended up crashing into the stands before he could utter his first syllable.

"Point to Charles Bell!" the refer announced.

Most matches rarely went past one minute unless both duelists were extremely skilled.

Relaxing my stance, I waited as a medical team on standby went to wake the boy.



"He's not bad," the girl said with narrowed eyes.

Luis nodded with a smile, "Yes, he's pretty quick on the draw and his spell carries a lot of power."

"He's smart in not showing all of his tricks and ending his matches as fast as possible," she added.

"Looks like this will be a fun tournament after all."


Casually blocking a stunner aimed my way I responded by sending a disarming charm at the girl that couldn't have been much older than me.

She was able to set up a shield just in time, but the force of the spells still caused her to stumble back.

This time I sent three stunners at her in quick succession all aimed at different body parts.

She was able to dodge the first one aimed at her feet by side stepping it but that was the only one as the other two hit her in the stomach and face respectively.

As she crumbled to the floor unmoving the referee announced the verdict

"Match goes to Charles Bell."

I bowed to her even as she was being carried away with a broken nose by the medical staff and walked off the stage.

Going to take a seat on the bench I saw Luis shaking his head.

"No, no, my dear Charles, don't you know a girl's face is something that must remain untouched."

I smirked, "She might be a girl, but she's also a duelist. It'd be disrespecting her if I didn't take the match seriously."

"Well said," Claire clapped, seeming to agree with what I said.

"Charles, you'll never get a girlfriend like that," Luis declared

I gave Claire a questioning look, "He's kind of a playboy, isn't he?"

"You have no idea," she huffed.

Luis puffed out his chest, "It's not moi's fault if he is popular with the ladies."

All too quickly the preliminaries ended with only eight of us left. After assigning us new numbers we were given half an hour to rest before the semi-finals started.

"Looks like we'll be going against each other next round," Claire started looking me in the eye.

"So, it would appear," I confirmed.

"And I get to fight the winner in the finals," Luis added.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," a tall slender boy butted in unannounced.

"I'll take my next opponent, Alexander Douglas," Luis said with a smile.

"Watch yourself," the boy warned before waltzing off.

That was supposedly the boy that Oswald had warned me about, the pupil of Professor Flitwick's old rival Vincent.

From what I had seen he was a pretty good duelist, though if he was good enough to beat Luis was still up to debate.

After that we parted ways.

I could see Terry and the rest of the Ravenclaws coming to meet me.

"Charles! You made it to the semi-finals!" Terry said excitedly.

"You better win after we came all this way," Padma announced.

"I'll try my best," I replied.


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