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Picking up one of the pill bottles from the open crate he looked around the room with a smirk. Glancing at one of the armed men around him he tossed it to him, "What say you Harry, feel like following the white rabbit?"

The man caught the bottle and shook it around experimentally before tossing it back, "I'll stick to cigarettes."

Catching it again Francis shrugged, "Suit yourself."

He could begin selling them as soon as his labs found out its components and how to make more. Until then he would need to keep them in a secure location.

Just as he was about to place the lid back on the crate, he saw something hidden among the bottles.

Grabbing it with his hand he held it up to his face, "A roach?"

It looked just like a roach if it was not for the fact it was made of metal and had a red blinking light on its head.

His face distorted into fury as it only took him a second to realize what it was, a tracker. "Bullocks!"

Just as he was about to crush it, it suddenly sprang to life. "Whaa!" Francis screamed in surprise as he dropped it on the floor. The other men jumping back too, startled more from the sudden action than by the actual bug.

The roach didn't waste any time as it tried to scuttle away with impressive speed.

"Quick! Step on it, it's tracking our location," Francis ordered, grabbing the nearest person and pushing them forward.

The men quickly rushed forward intent on stomping it, but the roach was able to weave between their attacks with surprising ease as it made its way up the stairs.

It managed to squeeze under the basement door which was then thrown open by gangsters.

The charging men however soon came to a sudden halt as they finally took notice of their surroundings.

It was a horrific scene that chilled them to the bone.

The walls and furniture were splattered with a crimson liquid that dripped to the floor into large pools. Body parts that looked to have been ripped off were thrown around the room carelessly, the bodies of their comrades barely recognizable among the gore. The very air made them want to gag as the smell of blood and released bowls assaulted their noses.

Yet it was something else that froze them in place.

In the middle of the room, seated in a large leather seat seemingly without a care in the world was a man clad in black wearing a leather plague mask. On his shoulder was a large raven with sinister red eyes while a black cat with canary yellow eyes looked at them sharply from his lap.

The metallic roach they were following had made it to the stranger leg, where it climbed into a pants hole and disappeared from view.

An invisible pressure kept them in place as if a knife had been pressed against their throats, making even a single sound an impossible task.



[A skill has been created through a special action.]

[Intimidate] (Passive/Active) LV 1 EXP: 13.3%

Description: You can emit an invisible aura that can terrify others. Those already scared of you become more wary. Those intimidated by you will receive debuffs when going against you. The level of intimidation depends on how well the subject knows you.

Effect: Successfully intimidated opponents have their stats reduced by 10% while fighting you. 

Cost: 0 MP ]

Hmm, looking at the description this skill could very well be a double edge sword. I would have to make sure I didn't raise suspicions in the future.

Looking at the frozen men I raised a hand, 'Hermes take care of them?'

Hermes flapped his wings once sending a volley of razor sharp feathers that shredded their bodies to ribbons.

[+25 EXP]

[+25 EXP]

[+35 EXP…]

Only one man was spared, the leader who fell to the ground with a terrified face.

[Francis Kingsberry] LV 6

Description: The leader of the Spades, a criminal firm that deals with the smuggling and selling of illegal items. He controls most of the docks and has a number of connections reaching as far as the local law enforcements. Francis is the son of Frederick Kingsberry, a squib belonging to the infamous Kingsberry wizarding family…  ]

According to Daphne, the Kingsberry were a recent magical family extending only three generations back yet were somehow able to claim the top position when it came to smuggling. Something that really irked her seeing as her own family had been in the business since before the 10th century.

It made sense in a way, that the most successful criminal empire had ties to both sides.

Daphne wanted to do something similar by befriending Tracy and using her family's shipping industry.

With that being said, I would need to take care of the rest of the Kingsberry family before they became a problem. Seeing as I didn't have the power or leverage to keep them under control yet that left me with only one option, to get rid of them completely.

Looking at the terrified man, I changed my mind about killing him. If he already knew of the magical world then it would save me the trouble of having to explain.

Luckily, I still had plenty of hypno-pollen and parasite bombs in my inventory.



The small professor held his head as he tried to make sense of what his friend had just told him.

Looking over at Oswald who had a calm expression, no doubt due to having more time to digest the information, Flitwick let out a long sigh, "I don't suppose you could have made some mistake. Maybe the results were accidentally mixed up with anoth-"

"There was no mistake," Oswald said firmly.

What they were discussing were the results from Charles' ancestry test.

"But this should be impossible," the smaller man protested.


Jesus Zuniga

Really? A bug? Hahahaha that’s great. But is the blinking light meant to throw off the muggles into thinking it isn’t magical?