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They must have family at home who would weep for them, who would be broken without them. They may have mothers and siblings who would mourn for them. Maybe some of them were just misguided by Voldemort and could still be redeemed.

Maybe few of them haven't done anything evil yet to warrant this severe punishment. Maybe some of them didn't even have the dark mark.

Would it matter? No.

His cold heart wasn't sympathetic enough to ignore this quest for the sake of these easily influenced teenagers.

'Better them than me. I won't die. And I definitely won't let them hurt Daphne and Tracey. I will kill them. I will kill them all. Better them than me.' Justifying his action to himself with a determined nod, he stood straight.

As he heard the boy threaten Daphne, he felt his blood boil in rage. How dare he speak to her like that!

"Daphne, step back." he said, pulling her to his side.

Without further ado, [Ray of Darkness] shot towards the leader who showed his agility and lay flat on the ground. But his ray didn't get wasted. It struck a boy behind him who slumped down on the floor without a sound. Henry swiftly pushed Daphne and Tracey against the wall and kept them pressed between his back and the wall, shielding them.

[Skeleton Horde]

"Come forth! Kill them all, my soldiers. Don't let a single one escape. Show them our might. Sink them into misery." Henry yelled at the top of his lungs. His enemies who were ready to bombard him and the two girls with spells, stopped in confusion at his scream.

An instant later, chaos reigned in the wide hallway.

Hundred skeleton fighters abruptly emerged from the stony ground and their bone rattling roar spooked everyone. They surrounded the junior Death Eaters from both sides. While his skeletons weren't very powerful, their strength lay in their speed and numbers.

The first one to fall was a shorter boy. A rusty sword cleaved him from his shoulder to his opposite hip as the skeleton jumped into the left group. The boy fell down with a thud and a groan, his life flowing out of him in red.

It only got worse after that.

It was a carnage. His fleshless skeletons jumped and cackled madly as they thrust their swords through the panicking teenagers. Screams and sobs echoed in the hallway as they were surrounded by the horde.

The alive were massively outnumbered by the dead. Their despair and fear hung heavy in the air, they saw blood pooling around the lifeless bodies of their colleagues.

It was just too much.

Daphne and Tracey were frozen in their place, both clinging on Henry's back, witnessing the horrific slaughter. Their attention was on two skeletons who had grabbed onto each leg of a masked girl. She whimpered and pleaded for mercy, but the skeletons just laughed evilly.

Daphne's eyes widened as she saw the two skeletons pulling her legs in opposite directions. She morbidly watched even though knowing what was going to happen.

First, the girl's robe ripped up to her waist, baring her entire legs, then her blood curdling scream resonated in the corridor, momentarily stopping the reckless fight everywhere.

A loud snap and squishy sound rang in the air before the girl's body tore apart from between her legs to her shoulders. Blood and gore exploded from the two twitching parts of one body.

The unfortunate girl's flesh and organs were lying in the river of her own blood. She heard Tracey retching beside her. She could understand that, her own gorge was rising. Henry grimaced and loosened his hold on the girls seeing that they were safe.

The two skeletons cheered loudly before grabbing the nearby boy and doing the same with him.

"Keep them in one piece, boys! Don't get carried away." Henry instructed, not amused by their antics. The skeletons nodded before continuing their job.

This incident made the others give up their fight and they all decided to run for their lives. But it was for naught. The skeletons were far superior in speed. They just chased them before piercing their backs with their iron swords.

After what felt like days but was just five minutes, the entire fight was over. The skeletons were banging their bloodied swords on their shields, celebrating their victory while twenty dead bodies of 5th, 6th and 7th year students laid all around them.

Henry, who was simply standing in the middle of the corridor, raised his hand. Immediately all the noise stopped, the skeletons dropped on their knees, reverently staring at their master.

"You did good. Now go back." Henry said, vanishing them away.

Three students in green robes stood amidst tens of bodies. Daphne and Tracey were pressed against the wall, still trembling and staring while Henry was in the centre of the corridor, in the centre of the carnage.

Opting to give his friends more time to adjust, he walked around and used [Repair] on the dead bodies. The bodies healed and regained their earlier perfect shapes.

Even the two bodies of the girl and the boy whose bodies were ripped in two, healed completely. Sound of gasps made him look up at his friends who were relatively calm now.

"What was that?" Daphne's voice quivered as she walked to him on unsteady legs, followed by Tracey.

"That, my dear, is me saving your pretty arses and revealing what I wasn't supposed to reveal. That was me saying goodbye to a quiet peaceful stay at Hogwarts. Now, before anyone can come here, run away. Go now! You don't want to get tangled into this mess." Henry ordered, observing their befuddled faces. He froze as he heard the distant footsteps.

"What? You are going away? It's my fault, isn't it? You never needed saving. It was my arrogance that dropped us in this situation. I will take full responsibility. You don't need to go. I will take the punishment for you."


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