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You're still pretty new to this Dungeons & Dragons group, but you're having a great time. The DM is a serious nerd, and you haven't gotten to know him well, but when he roleplays as certain characters, you see a whole different side to him. When your character, a stealthy rogue, sneaks off alone, you stay behind for a one-on-one session that gets more immersive than you ever expected...

Sorry I had to remake this post, the audio was broken.
I won't be blamed for this concept because it won the poll by a landslide, so for anyone who has no interest in D&D, I'm sorry haha. I promise a simple, filthy, less nerdy fuckfest for the free audio.

For those who don't know, D&D is a roleplaying/tabletop game where you play as a character going on a continuing fantasy adventure with a group. You roll dice and add numbers from your character sheet to see what happens next. Scroll down for a lingo explanation at the end of this!

I'm going to do myself a favor and not qualify this audio much, but there's a lot of different directions I could have gone in with this, and this one involves a LOT of teasing, and narration/talking during, and the roleplay and in character/out of character tension. I'd also maybe like for this to be Part 1 of a series, if there's interest! Scroll down for more thoughts in the spoilers section.


Dungeon Master (DM) - The DM facilitates and runs the game, and plays all the non-player characters (NPCs) who exist in the game's world. They prepare challenges faced by the party, but there's a lot improv too.

Rogue - A rogue is one of the character classes in D&D that a player's character can be. Rogues are stealthy and skilled, often a thief, assassin, or criminal type.

Roll a ___ check - When a player attempts to have their character try something that has a chance of failure, the DM might ask them to roll a skill check, like Stealth, Persuasion or Investigation. The player rolls a 20-sided die (d20), and adds the appropriate number from their character sheet. If the total beats the difficulty number the DM has in their mind, it succeeds.

Natural 20/Natural 1 - A Nat 20/Nat 1 is the best/worst result you can get on a d20. Worth celebrating or despairing over.


Names Used: "Thief"

CW: Some mention of losing faith in a fantasy religion context.

SPOILERS: Okay, so this is definitely an erotic audio but there's no sex, or even oral, just thigh-fucking/grinding and a mutual orgasm. Between that and the amount of narrating/story within a story aspect, I have a feeling this audio won't be for everyone. That's okay! I'm trying something different and they're not all going to be winners. It made a kind of sense to me from a slow burn/realism standpoint that this be a more teasing/exploring situation, that both characters get caught up in and then shocked out of post-orgasm. I thought the abrupt ending and a bit of the awkwardness made sense, and also left things open for further instalments, IF there's enough interest. I think it would be cool to explore these two characters (the DM and Player) getting closer and going further through a variety of NPCs in the game.




August, you absolute sick genius you. Every single detail was flawlessly executed (as per usual) and damn this was well worth the wait! What talent and skilllllll


very very immersive indeed..🎤🎤 also i’m very particular w erotic narration audios but i would definitely like to see august do more personally ……. just like personally


okay ive never played dnd before but this has got to be one of my new favorites ohhmylordylord. the descriptions of everything happening in the narration down to the whole immersiveness is so well done and i already feel like ill have to replay this for another 10 times 😭 honestly i think ill have to take notes from this entire narrating cause it's just so spot on with the whole atmosphere and scenes going on, and overall yeah im. im normal about this one your audios always keep getting better i have no idea how you do it,,, thank you thank you for the fantasy food i am eating this UP 🙏


i wasn’t able to listen to this at all bc i haven’t been in a situation where i could and so i just went to my car to listen and o. m. g. this hits hard. my hands and stomach WENT NUMB n i forgot how to breath. like the transition from being absolutely normal to HEAVY DIRTY TENSION. wow. give us pt 2. as soon as possible pls :)


i was so embarrassed to listen to this bc there’s a guy in my dnd group who is so hot and i cant stop thinking about this scenario now but also this is so so so hot jesus christ 😮‍💨👍🏽


oh god nerdy virgin audios… i need more of them august 😤


AugustInTheWinter 🤝 making nerds hot

Lambda Sitta

This is such an interesting comment. I think I might be reading it wrong though haha. Is the implication that nerds aren't generally attractive?


I just spent 26 minutes of my life, AGAIN, listening to a fantasy roleplay I would never have cared about. Your passion, creativity, and talent are awesome. Yes, I want to hear more.


“yeah whatever. your fantasy underwear” bwahahahaha

alisha 🌱

it's currently 1am but i'm revisiting this one again to prepare for tomorrow's new audio~ 🤭💖


The way he has to fix his slipups


Complementing my dice rollss


😮 this was crazy good wow. It's amazing you got to bring something you actually do here on this platform, and in a way that made it easy for us to get into. Production is on-another-level immersive!!