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Hi! I hope you enjoy this kinda imperfect and rambly sleep aid/relaxation audio type thing. I actually found this pretty relaxing to do, so maybe I'll do it again soon. Let me know if you'd like that.

Take care and sleep well,

august 🌨️

Music is Sleep by RelaxSzene from the Free Music Archive, CC.




This audio is incredible. Yes definitely ASMR vibes. I listen to a lot of it, but your voice sets my whole body on fire. Which maybe sounds bad but it’s very much the opposite. Thanks for the tingles!! 🎙️🗣️😴


I don’t know how to properly express how much I appreciate this audio. I have used it the past couple nights and have been able to fall asleep before even making it halfway through the audio. This is a really big deal for me since I usually struggle with being able to fall asleep quickly, and it is final exam week, so I am super grateful that you took the time and energy to create this. My heart ached for you hearing about your sleeping struggles I just want to give you the biggest hug ever 🫂🫂🫂

Lambda Sitta

Good luck on your exams! Hopefully you can catch up sleep after (and sleep at least decently well before!).


i'm going on a solo trip for the first time and this was so calming and reassuring to listen to last night thank you so much, August 💫❤️


August, this is so lovely and soothing, but I guess I've developed a pavlovian response to your voice -- unfortunately that does not help my restlessness 😂😅

odile of the lake

I’ve listened to this a few times, but I actually don’t know what you say through it because it helps me fall asleep. I have so much anxiety and fear that at night, it can get to be too much. I had a rough day, and the hour right now is ungodly, but this is a nice salve. Thank you for this experience.


The talk about being a kid and believing with all your heart that anything and everything was possible filled me with such a profound feeling that I can't adequately describe. It's some odd mix of comfort, nostalgia, grief, hope, and sadness. I am only a little bit embarrassed to say I shed some tears. This audio is so lovely and relaxing, it felt like the sonic equivalent of a big hug the whole way through.


When you said I could handle whatever happens and that I was good, smart, strong, and kind enough, I actually teared up. I think I'm quitting my toxic job without a backup offer. Thanks for this! Hope YOU have restful nights! Edit: Why did I imagine August reading this comment and thinking, "That's not what I... meant..." 😅