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Being one of the most powerful superheroes in the world comes with its downsides. Like the fact that anyone you touch instantly collapses in agony, and sometimes, even death. Your powers have hospitalized people before by accident, so needless to say, a kiss is out of the question, let alone sex. That is, sex with anyone besides the man you despise. He's invulnerable, so he might be the only one on earth who can give you what you need. But you wouldn't...

Phew! Really happy to get this out, sorry about the delay, everyone, but hopefully it's worth it! This is my second ever collab audio, with an original concept and script by the incredibly talented u/sickkophantic! I loved this X-Men-esque concept so much and her execution of the dynamic it created was awesome. The way she wrote this kind of cocky asshole type character was so fun to play! I was so inspired that I couldn't resist adding to the script myself, so there's quite a bit of my own writing in there too.


august 🌨️

Names Used: Bodybag (NOT during sex), babe, baby, sweetheart, princess, good girl, sloppy girl, sex toy (for Speaker)

CW: Speaker makes a joke about Listener having killed one or more boyfriends, though he is joking, and it's not really implied that it actually happened.




mara dyer book series has one of my favourite dynamics ever which is basically the same as this audio (girl who kills ppl with her mind/ guy with healing powers and immune to her) HE WAS COCKY AND THEY WERE KINDA RIVALS SO THIS IS BASICALLY A BONUS CHAPTER IN AUDIO FORM AND I'M FREAKING OUT BECAUSE THIS WAS BRILLIANT, INCREDIBLE, AMAZING, SHOWSTOPPING, SPECTACULAR, NEVER THE SA- ok deep breath... gosh you play the cocky characters so well and the way this one was written plus the whole script around it?? a masterpiece. a match made in heaven. this just hit every single spot that exists and more. the cockiness definitely added extra spice to the dialogue and some of the lines made me seriously weak in the knees. "that tickled babe" the urge to punch him in the face and then make out aggressively was so real, the spit and "i'm drooling for it" ... hooooly shit where was that in the tags like jesus have some mercy on us, almost took me out then and there 😮‍💨😮‍💨 this was so worth the wait and i'm going to be listening to this tommorow at work because i don't think i'll ever get enough of this banter (writing this sleepy at 4am but also high from the euphoria of this amazing audio so excuse me if it's an extra chaotic comment)


*me trying to hold myself together in this chipotle rn*

Naomi Corporan

So fucking good this was worth the wait! Thanks both of u 😘 ❤

sarah 💫

I’m 2 mins in and the slapping + “that tickled babe” has me needing to take a breath and calm down this is Not Okay


im 95% sure this audio is laced with an illegal drug and i am quickly and surely becoming addicted 😭

Ruth Hope 🩷

Same. We're gonna have to put together some AA (August-oholic's Anonymous) meetings at this point lmao


Ummm so was anyone else visualizing rogue with Luke cage in this audio? Cuz holy fucking shit! No? Just me? Ok. Either way, that was super hot.


Getting called princess, baby, sweetheart in the middle of hate sex?! I’m so so so weak rn


this one's going certified platinum through my headphones 🫠


Jesus christ August I don't know how you keep out doing yourself but you always do 🥵🥵


great now i’m going to be anxious for the safety of my spidey bf until u make an audio where he comes in thru the window in the middle of the night and listener patches up his injuries 😧😣 that’s crazy!! kidding (…. unless.. ) but seriously, amazing as always!!


This… is fucking s-tier august wtf. like. ur insane for this. holy fucking shit. the cocky/bratty service top energy has me crawling up walls I’m so serious.


trying to be so cool and normal but 22:55 and beyond sent me into hysterics. “I’m drooling for it…” hey. 🙂 I’m gonna need psychiatric counseling 🕺🏾✨


had to pause multiple times in this one cuz this one was just like……. too good. amazing script and amazingly acted. i have become feral.


btw new to the Patreon and v happy i joined :))


does anybody know if we’re getting “SFW audio (moans)” today🫡 ?


Oh my! August this was so damn good 💕


Hi- new patron- here because a friend recommened your work and the timbre of your voice. She was not wrong Thoroughly enjoyed this - you know your way around a story /and/ a woman’s body. Thank you


Commenting a second time because I had to pinpoint my favorite phrases in this - "sink your fucking teeth in," anytime you said "more," "I want another one," and "let it all out." Chef's kiss.


getting flashbacks of this audio…august you don’t know how to miss 😮‍💨


idk why but "That tickled, babe" just UGH 😩🥴💦

Page Chase

So I'm reading Butcher and Blackbird by Brynne Weaver and am on a whole dark romance kick in general. The whole "I'm the only one who can hurt you"/vice versa thing is consuming me and this was like aloe on a bad sunburn. I wonder if a kidnapping audio would be in the cards? Maybe with August as the most bratty kidnapping victim? My how the turn tables...


how do you outdo yourself every single time?!!!!!!! I so appreciate the way you go about these audios. you fall into the scripts/concepts so naturally that I’m never taken out of the story. it’s obvious that you never tie yourself down to anything and you go with the flow to make the narrative sound most natural and pleasurable. I love always having a new audio from you that I can truly get lost in and get out of my own head for 30-45 minutes each week ☺️ thank you for another banger as always august <3


I so appreciate your commitment to detail, and how you really become the character. Mandalorian, DILF, reluctant superhero, it doesn't matter. When I listen to you, I don't think, "Oh, August is doing a really good job with this script". Instead I'm totally sucked into the story and character interaction, with the bonus of crazy hot sex. This Moans subscription is worth every damn penny.


This character is soooooo good. I loved the contrasts too, like making the listener beg to be eaten out.



sarah 💫

Hi yeah sorry “you fucking hate me princess?” and “I want it loud this time, I want it fucking loud” have been haunting me ever since this dropped, I am so very far from ok 🙃 Also the more superhero stuff you do, the more I’m convinced I would explode in a way that would require residential evacuations if you ever did a Nightwing/Batgirl audio 🦇 the potential for mask(ed) sex is just like……..yeah.

Samantha G

I’m usually not a Nemesis/Enemy to Lovers person but I think I’ve been converted 😭 It might be because this hit close to home with the Listener being touch starved but fantastic audio as always


this audio singlehandedly gave me female hysteria


THIS IS MY NEW FAVE ONE. Wow wow ow i just listened to it and it was toooo hot


“Stay with me” oh BROTHER


“And I want it loud, I want it fucking loud this time” “Good girl sweetheart” jesus christ I might die


Hii! New patreon. I saw one of your work on reddit and I was hooked. The amount of times I've listened to your audios there. Your voice is so addicting. The amount of details and how the flow is so natural. I've been debating whether or not I should join and totally worth it!! Subscription is soooo worth it.


the entire oral part on this one altered my brain chemistry and i will keep coming back for it heh


oh no, this is literally my favorite trope guess this is going on repeat until i extract every ounce of dopamine possible from it 🤷‍♀️


probably my favorite audio from you

Freya Gwynn

It really baffles me just how good of a storyteller you are with just your side of the conversation. You're such a talented performer, August. Like... Incredible.


MEANWHILE IN GOBLIN HOUSE 🏡 Gobby: I'm going to make dinner and play more Alan Wake 2 or something. I'll listen to this audio again while I cook too. Yep sounds like a great idea! -31:20 minutes in- Gobby isn't mentally available right now. Don't try summoning her. *Typically I don't find myself mentally taking the place as listener character but some how it happened and I GET IT NOW 🤣 I UNDERSTAND. * - No katsu curry was harmed during this incident -🍛 20/10 Audio August. 👏


I’ve been re-listening to The Bright Sessions and wow the bratty super powered dude vibes from Damien in the early episodes brought me back here.


Love itttttttttttt, especially the Msub bit!


Oh my goddd I love it.

Mihae_79 MH MirH

This did something to me I did not expect from any audio erotica, especially in a fantasy setting. For whatever reason I was able to identify with the FL here more than in any of the previous audios I've listened to, which is highly unexpected and unlikely. The ML did touch me, in more ways than one. So, again, well done, good sir!


I love how he says he hates you but then he wants you to stay at his house and cuddle with him

big fat thock

This gives such RoguexGambit vibes...ive been obsessed with this audio. Idc if its been 6 months I would trade my nonexistent firstborn for a part 2. August I beg


Unsettling amount of relistening


Best audio ever