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I've now had a number of Patrons let me know that all my content is showing as locked for them, even though they're all subscribed and paid up. This is obviously really frustrating, so I've sent an email to Patreon support and really hoping they get it fixed soon.

EDIT: Anyone who is having this issue, I strongly encourage you to contact Patreon support as well by clicking here, since they might be able to help you better individually.

EDIT 2 (3/30/21): Got a reply from Patreon support saying the issue should be fixed! Let me know if it’s still not working for you, and I’ll get back in touch with them! Otherwise I’ll probably delete this post in a couple days.

EDIT 3 (3/31/21): Apparently some people are still having issues, so if you are, make sure you've submitted a support ticket and I'll be following up with them too. This month's Dirty Talk audio just dropped today for moans and murmurs, so please message me if you're subscribed to those tiers and still locked out, and I'll send you a seperate link.

I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the Age Verification that Patreon is supposed to be rolling out this week for 18+ Creators. I haven't gotten an email giving me the chance to verify yet, but maybe it's a glitch in the rollout.

Just wanted to put this up as a public post to say I'm really sorry for the interruption in service and to let people know in case they're having the same issue. Hopefully this is not also locked for those people!

Thanks for bearing with me, can't wait for everything to be normal and to post the Dirty Talk audio for the month, either tomorrow or Friday!

Take care,

august 🌨️



its not locked for me thankfully but im also using the app


the hoarde of august listeners waiting outside Patreon’s gates: “LET US IN!!! LET US IIIIINNNNNNN!!!! 😩”


It’s not locked for me on the app either 🙏

Misa Yamamoto

Thanks for letting us know! I will just go over to Reddit and listen to the free stuff over there for now🗿

sarah 💫

Super weird that I can see this post but not anything else? 🤔 I tried both on the app and on the site itself and for some reason none of your other posts are showing. Before this post I just kept seeing a “this creator hasn’t posted anything yet” msg 🤷🏻‍♀️ Hope it gets resolved soon but in the meantime, this is a great way to build my patience 🥲

courtney ✨

Can you provide the people that are having technical difficulties with links to your whypit archive if the problem persists?

sarah 💫

It’s BACK for me, I guess prayer really does work but also I emailed patreon support yesterday so if anyone’s still locked out I think that’ll help! 🙏🏼


Working again!

courtney ✨

It’s been working for me the whole time. I just wanted to help with alternative solution for your other subscribers in the meantime.


this is the only post i can see…😕


Oh no! I thought it was fixed for everyone. Make sure you've submitted a support ticket at this link: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/requests/new I'll also follow up with them on my support request.


i thought i edited my comment my bad, but it’s all good now!! try messing around with the payment method/resubscribing (it should say that the amount due today is $0.00 if it’s not the first of the month yet for u) that’s what made it work for me :))


forgot to edit my comment but it’s working now!