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It's here! Feels really good to finish up your questions and share part 2 of the After Dark AMA. Hope you enjoy and thank you again for all the support (700 Patrons ahh!!) and the awesome questions. 

See you next week for the monthly exclusive!!



TOO REAL for your celebrity crush being ashly burch lmaooo valid tho she rocks and I too have cried some fateful nights in 2014 knowing we would never be united 💔


Dude!!! 700!!! Amazing. Congrats!!! This is perfect timing. I’m about to start packing for a weekend getaway and was debating what to listen to. I guess you are what I’m listening to.


this was so much fun, thank you so so much for letting us a little more into your life!! have been cackling all throughout, you’re so great to listen to! reminds me of long late night conversations with friends, which i have missed a lot because my friends and i have been too busy growing up. 🥹 my favourite parts are when you’d give out advice and on that note: if you ever start a wee lil advice segment here, i would absolutely gobble that up 🤩 sarah also already mentioned this but SFW poetry would be absolutely amazing!!! would love to hear you also deliver more monologue-ish readings, like lines from a play or a book (im not on booktok but i heard it’s quite A Place 👁👄👁🌶️). a few more ideas would be a choose your own adventure kind of (N)SFW story, esp since there’s a poll option on here. you bring your characters to life so well, i think it could be super interesting to create a longer story experience listeners can look forward to month on month 😍 but tbh if you read a plumbing manual i would still absolutely go “YAASSS KING YOU DROPPED THIS 👑!!” thank you for doing the hard work of being a good person and an excellent content creator. 🫶🏼 your patreon has become something i (and so many of us) look forward to so much! ps havent stopped shilling to my friends i cannot wait for the day i convert them into augustans. ROAD TO 1K HERE WE GO 🥳


Thanks so much Andie!! I appreciate the kid words. Some great ideas here, readings especially would be a lot of fun! And woo! 🚂 1K!!

sarah 💫

Wait but I was seriously thinking of pitching an “August’s Advice” corner thing on here bc the advice given is just so thoughtful, mature, and good!!! Great minds, Andie 🧠


That was super fun! I love all the questions everyone asks and that you can pretty much talk about anything. From how you wanna be buried at sea with a flaming arrow launched at your corpse like in a Viking funeral (I LOL’d at that part) to how many times you’ve “glowed up” to whether or not a flat sheet is necessary. I have to echo what Andie said that it reminds me of those great late night conversations between friends, which I have also missed. Life just often feels so serious and sad these days so thanks for the nostalgia as well. My partner used 2 in 1 when we first dated. He also used bar soap which I guess is popular again but it wasn’t 20 years ago. Were they red flags? Yes. 😝 He now uses shampoo and a separate conditioner. And not all wash products are created equal. We only use natural products free of all the crap and most importantly cruelty free. Also, hair texture is very culturally specific so hair products are very important to a large portion of society. Readings please! Poetry and what not. That would be rad. Please and thank you! Thanks for helping me get through packing. Thanks for your honesty, humor, and humility. You’re a doll.


Grats on 700! I’ve been watching the number steadily rising and it’s so exciting to be part of a group of people who appreciate your work. Thank you for these answers, it’s nice to hear a little of you every week.


Thank you for part 2! I’ve been a listener for awhile and truly appreciate the work you put into all of your content. Based solely on deductions I’ve made from your AMAs and responses - it is wonderful knowing a person like you exists in the world. I don’t know, I’m kind of in a “man hater” era based on stuff I’ve experienced and seen online, but your compassion and emotional intelligence gives me hope and reminds me “ok they’re not all bad chill out” haha Also did you alter your voice a little in the Daddy audio? That one upon first listen I suspected your voice sounded deeper? Anyways, I have some suggestions for some SFW options you can try. I understand the fine line you want to draw to avoid para-social risk so maybe these might be good options. I’ve noticed a lot of listeners will listen to your audios while multitasking - and I don’t know if you’ve heard of “body doubling”, but SFW videos that don’t lean too heavy into BFE could just be fun and flirty audios of scenarios like - cleaning together, study breaks,cooking together etc. The almost mundane parts of being in a partnership of any kind. I like knowing there’s a presence of my friend or whoever while I’m doing things, it helps motivate whatever tasks I’m trying to accomplish. I hope I’m explaining this right haha I think those could be very light audios that myself and other listeners would enjoy!


oh my god im so sorry to just randomly reply but THIS. EXACTLY THIS. THANK YOU FOR THIS you’ve put into words something i never thought to articulate! body doubling is super useful to me (hola neurodivergent friends haha) and no joke ive listened to August’s 2hr AMA while cleaning bec it helps to imagine another human being around to tell me to get back to work 🙈🙈🙈 WHAT A PERFECT SUGGESTION


Don’t apologize! I’m glad my suggestion reached you! Haha yes I love body doubling and there isn’t a lot of content out there specifically geared for it so I thought maybe we give August the jump haha

sarah 💫

So I’ve never in my life heard of body doubling before but that’s such a cool idea, great suggestion!! I know August said he records in his bedroom but if he did a “Cook with Chef August” thing that would be so rad cuz I like to listen to stuff while I cook and I’ve been highkey curious about his chili recipe 🥣


Hi August! It’s always a delight to hear your voice! Absolutely loved your 3 advices on relationship. I feel like a relationship should not be hard work and if it is, it’s either incompatibility or this is not a good time for this relationship as there are things you or your partner need to work on alone first. The one bed “silent” fantasy sounds sooo hot!! Excited to see what you’ll come up with in your future audio experiments. I think SFW doesn’t have to be romantic! Like you could incarnate a friend, and convey trust and support? Like gentle pep talk? Sleep aids sound good too! Lmao loved your serious thinking about a modern Viking funeral. Thank you for this AMA, it was really fun! Congrats on 700!!!

Misa Yamamoto

Really liking these AMAs. I usually listen to them doing chores or winding down for the night and it’s been really relaxing. Getting to know you more through these has been really nice. Thanks for being vulnerable and sharing yourself to us.


I really enjoy listening to your AMAs. You seem to be very thoughtful and speak with a lot intention + mindfulness. And it's nice to hear glimmers of your values and what matters most to you.


I would eat it the fuck up if August read me a recipe book 🤣 but good luck if my measurements are off. 1 cup of salt? Oh OK. 🥵


Listened to both parts of your AMA this weekend while I cleaned and worked on a little side project. I really appreciate the thought you put into answering our questions and the how you acknowledge limited/different viewpoints. My impression is that you take great effort to be a good person and to be as genuine as possible. Thanks for sharing a little about yourself. A few thoughts: -I'd have to echo the statements above that shampoo and conditioner cannot be comparable to body wash (at least for my hair). I've used body wash in a pinch while traveling but it always left my hair in less than optimal condition (which is a polite way of saying it looked like an oil slick). -My favorite thing to ask about/listen to is the world building behind an author's short story/novel/film because I find the different creative processes and thoughts so fascinating. Perhaps you could make an audio on this if you ever share something long form. -Your perspective on BFE makes a lot of sense to me because they kind of straddle the line of familiarity. It's like in audios where the speaker says "I love when you do _____" or "I love ____ part of your body" vs an outright "I love you." The latter is usually something I try to gloss over. Finally, because this popped into my mind by the end of this AMA, are there random questions about your patrons that came up while recording the AMAs (disregarding what we'd like to hear in an audio)? Kind of like an "ask you anything" in a non-doxxing and non-parasocial way. Perhaps favorite books or a debate on whether cereal or milk goes first lol.


I’m so glad I joined the moans tier 💃🏾


It's tricky but I think the public audio aspects can have great minimalistic dialogue. I have played with the idea of doing a binaural whispering in the ear script and it would be immersive in that you can also hear surrounding sounds and maybe even hear people get close and need to shut up and build this spicy tension before you continue on. Could be a short audio as that keeps it more in line with the scenario and wouldn't lull because of length of pauses being a bulk. 10-15 min audio. I have been begging Mr Snugglepuss to make this as he produces music and I originally said yes to being his FWB because our phone calls were how I realized had a audio kink. Now this fucker has been in my ear for 15 years. We got remarried on St Patty's day in Zion and hence why I'm just listening now. I never wanted to get married and neither did he. I think there's a difference in wanting to be married as a life goal vs that being an option because of this person so I totally get you there and you aren't alone in thise feelings that marriage is not a must do. Totally agree with your relationship advice that a lot of problems are based on not having explicit communication. Too much hinting/guessing or keeping issues inside in fear of actually head on communication. LOTR quote that made me laugh was Sauruman was like "You will taste man-flesh!" And I just find that battle sayings are cheesy and full of innuendo that make me go, OK dudes battling and wrestling just have such a gay spirit it makes my queer ass feel like I'm not doing the most. 🤣 but I kinda love that for men. My brain has many LOTR sex quotes, "Share the load" 🍆💦 "Not that one! The big one, the big one!!" Since you mentioned Brooklyn 99 and because of this LOTR question.... _______ is the title of your sex tape? As for funerals, there are reef sea funerals and the vessels become coral reef and shelters for wildlife and not just a useless box that litters. I think that's pretty cool now I'm a fucking coral reef. This is in the Carribean/Florida coast area. There's also return home (in Oregon) which decomposes the body into a compost and returned to the earth. I am so passionate about this being a eco friendly and really honoring way they handle things. I am biased as I know someone on their team, but I will absolutely send my body there. I'm likely to do one of these after I send my friends on a travel treasure hunt adventure only to open the chest that just says so I died but, here's some presents and a 16 course chefs tasting where it's time for you to tell all my secrets to each other but especially the person who knows the anal mall mishap story needs to speak up and get everyone howling in laughter. I said I'd take that secret to the grave 😅

sarah 💫

ahhh hope this isn’t weird for a stranger online to wish you congrats but congrats to you and your mister! 🥳 my sister got proposed to in the narrows in Zion, it’s a breathtakingly beautiful place! Also love your LOTR quotes, the best one I could think of was “I’m coming, Mr. Frodo!” which could be…well…maybe slightly unsexy haha


Haha not at all weird, thank you! the internet knows a lot about me as someone frequenting online spaces. I like to think that such community does tend to build from spaces like this and that's not a bad thing. Legitimately, my dog training group has become just deep friendships after 13 years. The narrows I haven't done yet, but will in summer if I can snag a permit ticket for it. It was raining when we went so the waters are crazy and has the narrows shut down for the next few months. We hiked Emerald Pools, Grotto, Canyon Overlook, Watchman and got married on the Pa'rus Trail as I had a gown on so that's paved.

sarah 💫

That sounds lovely, getting married surrounded by forest/mountains has always been a dream of mine. I hope you get to experience the narrows, it was a bit difficult for me lol but the sights are majestic and truly humbling in their beauty. Here’s to you and your mister! 🥂


Late comment/ramble The concept of SFW BFE audios makes me feel kinda weird, no offense at all to people who enjoy them/don't have the same hang-ups, it just doesn't feel like something that I could be into and also feel (personally) mentally healthy haha. Maybe narration would be nice? With some ambience ❤️ Since the pandemic, a friend and I occasionally exchange voice notes that's just reading little things of potential mutual interest as a way to say hi and open conversation which I've found to be really relaxing/comforting/pleasant etc. You have a really great speaking voice in that yeah, it's attractive but also importantly clear and the volume is good... maybe never wearing earplugs to shows has come back to bite me, but I swear a lot of speaking content is so low and yours blessedly isn't either low or muddy. I've always been a little envious of people who enjoy writing, as a ravenous consumer of books and the other medias that comes from people's imaginations + it seems like a great cathartic outlet. My brother is one of those people whom was able to turn writing into a career and in turn meet some of his heroes, but it's so open and subjective. I don't think my brain works that way, I can force it for grades or whatever, but was always more comfortable with math or history (pre-existing stories 😂) so forever appreciative for creative souls who make worlds to get lost in. Co-washing/"washing" with conditioner is 🤌👄 10/10 highly recommend. I've seen it promoted a ton for thick/textured hair but if any of you out there also have really fine hair it does wonders to stop getting oily fast (gross), which is ascerbated with excessive shampoo since you're stripping it creating a cycle. Tips: Wet hair for 2 minutes, massage copious amounts (seriously like a lot) of conditioner into your scalp for at least 2 minutes, rinse for 2 minutes. You'll have a rough few weeks and then glorious freedom from daily shampoo! I just wrote a paragraph about hair so uh... Time to wrap this up with congrats on 700+!


Creeping on people's comments while enjoying some water and legit almost choked when I read "Share the load" 🤣 Edit: re: another comment - dog training! I used to do Schutzhund handling when I was a teenager. Unfortunately had to stop after moving and now only do obedience work, but I miss it a lot. I don't know if it's the same all over (I kinda feel like it is with online interactions) but the clubs I worked with were all at least a little crazy/eccentric, I probably wouldn't have been allowed if my parents paid any attention haha. So much fun though


😂 My betta fish is named Frodo (also have a Legolas) so that's gonna be a no from me.


Hahaha hi! Also neurodivergent, listened to this part of the AMA last night while making spaghetti and folding laundry (the worst) to have a pleasant alternative to my own inner dialogue about every. fucking. step + random focus robbing spontaneous thoughts. Dorky but they're funny/if it potentially beneficial to someone 🤷🏼‍♀️ Something else I've had success with is these medieval covers of modern music, they're great in that it works in a few different states. Understimulated, you sing along/dance, etc. Overstimulated you can zone out to the mild inoffensive music, channel a tavern wench and wipe down some counters or whatever. Honestly I kinda love them. This video/account is a favorite https://youtu.be/RhvtYH-zkPk


if you just made an audio like typing i would listen to that.

grimm (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 10:03:10 There are so many things I could write a comment about and I'm only halfway through listening but you mentioned Spaced and I've never heard anyone mention Spaced so I had to also mention Spaced because fuck yeah Spaced.
2024-03-24 06:47:32 There are so many things I could write a comment about and I'm only halfway through listening but you mentioned Spaced and I've never heard anyone mention Spaced so I had to also mention Spaced because fuck yeah Spaced.

There are so many things I could write a comment about and I'm only halfway through listening but you mentioned Spaced and I've never heard anyone mention Spaced so I had to also mention Spaced because fuck yeah Spaced.