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Hi moans!
Think we're gonna do a Thursday again for the livestream, decided to do a bit earlier, since I know last time was very late for the EU folks. It's still late, but hopefully more manageable while still semi-convenient for North American work hours.

Not going to post a Crowdcast link because I think we might try Twitch (EDIT: Or more likely YouTube Live) this time so we can maybe play some games? Maybe a little Stardew Valley? Maybe just something casual in browser like Movie Grid? It's going to be a bit of an experiment.

If you know some chill games on Steam (or just on the internet) that you would want to watch me play while we chat, let me know!

See you at 6 Central / 7 Eastern! I'll post the link a little bit before.

august 🌨️


Freya Gwynn

Just looked at the clock and realized how little time is left and almost actually giggled.

Yna. (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-02 09:50:28 Good to know I'm not the only one actively waiting for the stream lmao
2024-05-02 09:50:28 Good to know I'm not the only one actively waiting for the stream lmao
2024-04-25 21:26:01 Good to know I'm not the only one actively waiting for the stream lmao

Good to know I'm not the only one actively waiting for the stream lmao


Ok, I’m new and haven’t ever done one of these but I’m excited to try it!