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Hey gang,

I’m going to catch up this week, but things are going to be a little out of order- so just hang on a second.

First things first is that I’m just going to drop a video tomorrow on YouTube. It’s insanely last minute, but I want to be on schedule and don’t have anything prepared right now.

That being said, I’m ALSO going to drop an early access extended audio tomorrow to prepare for the second upload of the week.

Hopefully, maybe, I’ll also have next week’s first audio at least recorded in that timespan and I can have it uploaded but the end of this week HOPEFULLY by Friday.

THAT MEANS I have sacrificed an early audio this week to begin a backlog for next week which gives me more time to focus on other aspects that have to do with my audios, MAINLY finding my old pop filter bc idk where that fucker went but the ‘plosions’ that I try to refrain from doing in my audios is really bothering me.

FURTHERMORE, I have REALLY been leaning into delving into NSFW stuff and HAVE been planning my introduction to GWA on reddit. I’ve also been trying to think about how to go about things involving paid NSFW content.

Here’s the thing that a lot of you may not know, but plugging a Patreon that is inclusive of NSFW content actually puts your channel at risk of being deleted without a warning because it’s against guidelines. I’ve already had to struggle against YouTube so much that I really don’t want to have to risk that.

So the fact of the matter is whenever I decide to go balls to the wall and monetize NSFW content, I’m either going to have to make a different Patreon that separates the NSFW from the SFW, or I’m going to just have to find some other paywall to that content.

Anyways, this was really just a heads up to everything that’s happening and going on. I know I keep lagging behind here and I’m very sorry. There’s a lot on my plate both in real life and in the online aspect of things, and I really am having a hard time juggling things. I really want to focus more on audios, but somehow the day flies by and I no longer have time in the day to do so.

I love you guys a lot and thank you so much for supporting me. I would not be here if it wasn’t for you and I’m so grateful that people like what I do so much that they’re willing to pay for more of it. I hope that what I provide is enough, even if things get wonky sometimes. Perhaps one day I’ll be making big dough and will be able to pay people for help and hire people for NDA’s and whatever other shit YouTuber’s do, but I appreciate for now everyone seeing me as human and despite everything supporting me anyways.

Thank you so much.


A Lost Canadian

Don't stress, Eggs! You got this <3